Using Charts in WPF applications
Charts specified using FSharp.Charting can be used within WPF applications.
To host a chart object inside a WPF application,
- Add a reference to the FSharp.Charting nuget package
- Add references to the following additional DLLs from the base class library:
- System.Drawing.dll
- System.Windows.Forms.dll
- WindowsFormsIntegration.dll
- Add a WindowsFormHost element to your XAML in your F# or C# application and give the element a name
In your XAML code this should appear as `<WindowsFormsHost x:Name="WinForm" />
In your application code, set the Child
property of the host to a chart control created from a chart specification:
open FSharp.Charting open FSharp.Charting.ChartTypes// ...
let winForm = window.Root.FindName("WinForm") :?> WindowsFormsHost
let chart = Chart.Line [ for i in 0 .. 10 -> (i,i*i) ]
winForm.Child <- new ChartControl(chart)
Live and Incremental updating charts can also be used in this way.
let dataStream = window.Root.MouseMove |> (fun x -> let p = x.GetPosition(window.Root) in p.X,p.Y )let chart = LiveChart.LineIncremental (dataStream)
winForm.Child <- new ChartControl(chart)