
Binder Notebook

Summary: This tutorial teaches how to use optimization methods within FSharp.Stats

Table of contents


The Nelder-Mead method (also downhill simplex method) can be used to find the minimum or maximum of an objective function. Please check out Mathias' blog post about the nelder mead algorithm.

Quadratic function

Task: Identify the minimum of the following function:


open FSharp.Stats
open FSharp.Stats.Optimization
open System

open Plotly.NET
open Plotly.NET.TraceObjects

let myFunction (xs: vector) = 
    let x = xs.[0]
    x**2. + 0.32*x + 0.13

// initial guess for the optimization
let x0 = vector [| 0.95|]

// default solver options
let nmc = NelderMead.NmConfig.defaultInit()   

// optimization procedure
let optim = 
    //let stopCrit = 
    //    { OptimizationStop.defaultStopCriteria with MinFunctionEpsilon = 1e-24 }
    //NelderMead.minimizeWithStopCriteria nmc x0 myFunction stopCrit
    NelderMead.minimize nmc x0 myFunction
// optimization results as x, y, and z coordinate
let xs,ys =
    optim.Vectors.[0..40] |> Array.map (fun x -> x.[0],myFunction x)
    |> Array.unzip

let optimizationPathchart = 
    Chart.Line(x=xs,y=ys,ShowMarkers=true,Name="Optimization path")
    [-1.  .. 0.005 .. 1.] |> List.map (fun x -> x,myFunction (vector [x])) |> Chart.Line |> Chart.withTraceInfo "myFunction"
    Chart.Point([|optim.SolutionVector.[0],optim.Solution|],Name="Solution") |> Chart.withMarkerStyle(Size=20,Symbol=StyleParam.MarkerSymbol.ArrowUp)
    |> Chart.combine    
    |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
    |> Chart.withXAxisStyle ("x",ShowGrid=false) 
    |> Chart.withYAxisStyle ("myFunction(x)",ShowGrid=false) 
    |> Chart.withSize (800.,800.)


In the following chapter the minium of the three-dimensional rosenbrock function is identified.

\[f(x,y) = (\alpha - x)^2 + \beta(y-x^2)^2\]

When \(\alpha = 1\) and \(\beta = 100\) the minimum is at \(\alpha^2=1\).

Lets define the function, and a starting coordinate for the optimization task.

// Rosenbrock's valley or Rosenbrock's banana function
let rosenbrock (xs: vector) =
    let x, y = xs.[0], xs.[1]
    pown (1.0 - x) 2 + 100.0 * pown (y - pown x 2) 2

// initial guess for the optimization
let x0_rb = vector [| 1.85; -1.65|]

// rosenbrock visualization
let rosenBrockChart = 
    let range = [-2. .. 0.05 .. 2.] 
    |> List.map (fun y -> 
        |> List.map (fun x -> 
            rosenbrock (vector [x;y])
    |> fun z -> 
        Chart.Surface(zData=z,X=range,Y=range,Opacity = 0.5, Contours = Contours.initXyz (Show = true))

let startConditionsChart = 
    Chart.Point3D([x0_rb.[0],x0_rb.[1],rosenbrock x0_rb])
    |> Chart.combine    
    |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
    |> Chart.withXAxisStyle ("x", Id = StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene 1,ShowGrid=false)
    |> Chart.withYAxisStyle ("y", Id = StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene 1,ShowGrid=false)
    |> Chart.withZAxisStyle ("rosenbrock(x,y)",ShowGrid=false)
    |> Chart.withSize (800.,800.)

Now the functions minimum should be identified using the Nelder-Mead method. Default solver options are used for optimizations.

// default solver options
let nmc_rb = NelderMead.NmConfig.defaultInit()   

// optimization procedure
let optim_rb = NelderMead.minimize nmc_rb x0_rb rosenbrock 

// minimum x and y value
optim_rb.SolutionVector //vector [|0.9999978246; 1.000002057|]

// minimum z value
optim_rb.Solution //4.110573695e-09

// all z values during optimization steps

// all x and y values during optimization steps

Plotting of the optimization path

The minimum was correctly identified to be located at \((1,1)\). Lets investigate the path the Nelder-Mead method took to converge to this result.

// optimization results as x, y, and z coordinate
let x3d,y3d,z3d =
    optim_rb.Vectors.[0..60] |> Array.map (fun x -> x.[0],x.[1],rosenbrock x)
    |> Array.unzip3

let optimizationPathChart = 
    |> Chart.combine    
    |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
    |> Chart.withXAxisStyle ("x", Id = StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene 1,ShowGrid=false) 
    |> Chart.withYAxisStyle ("y", Id = StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene 1,ShowGrid=false) 
    |> Chart.withZAxisStyle ("rosenbrock(x,y)",ShowGrid=false)
    |> Chart.withSize (800.,800.)

Auckley function

The Auckley function has many valleys, with one center and global minimum at \((0,0)\).

// Auckley function
let auckley (xs: vector) =
    let x, y = xs.[0], xs.[1]
    -20.*exp(-0.2*sqrt(0.5*(x**2. + y**2))) - 
    exp(0.5*(cos(2. * Math.PI * x) + cos(2. * Math.PI * y))) + 
    Math.E + 20.

// auckley visualization
let auckleyChart = 
    let range = [-2. .. 0.05 .. 2.] 
    |> List.map (fun y -> 
        |> List.map (fun x -> 
            auckley (vector [x;y])
    |> fun z -> 
        Chart.Surface(zData=z,X=range,Y=range,Opacity = 0.5)

// initial guess for the optimization
let x0_auckley = vector [| 1.2; -1.25 |] 

// default solver options
let nmc_auckley = NelderMead.NmConfig.defaultInit()   

// optimization procedure
let optim_auckley = NelderMead.minimize nmc_auckley x0_auckley auckley

// optimization results as x, y, and z coordinate
let x3d_auc,y3d_auc,z3d_auc =
    optim_auckley.Vectors.[0..44] |> Array.map (fun x -> x.[0],x.[1],auckley x)
    |> Array.unzip3

let optimizationPathChart_auckley = 
    |> Chart.combine    
    |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
    |> Chart.withXAxisStyle ("x", Id = StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene 1,ShowGrid=false) 
    |> Chart.withYAxisStyle ("y", Id = StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene 1,ShowGrid=false) 
    |> Chart.withZAxisStyle ("auckley(x,y)",ShowGrid=false)
    |> Chart.withSize (800.,800.)
No value returned by any evaluator

The Nelder-Mead method is able to identiy a local minimum, but misses the global minimum

Beale function

// Beale function function
let beale (xs: vector) =
    let x, y = xs.[0], xs.[1]
    (1.5 - x + x*y)**2. + 
    (2.25 - x + x*y**2)**2. + 
    (2.625 - x + x*y**3)**2.

// Beale visualization
let bealeChart = 
    let range = [-4. .. 0.01 .. 4.] 
    |> List.map (fun y -> 
        |> List.map (fun x -> 
            log10 (beale (vector [x;y]))
    |> fun z -> 
        Chart.Surface(zData=z,X=range,Y=range,Opacity = 0.5)

// initial guess for the optimization
let x0_beale_1 = vector [| -3.5; -3.5 |] 
let x0_beale_2 = vector [|  3. ;  2.5 |] 

// default solver options
let nmc_beale = NelderMead.NmConfig.defaultInit()   

// optimization procedure
let optim_beale_1 = NelderMead.minimize nmc_beale x0_beale_1 beale
let optim_beale_2 = NelderMead.minimize nmc_beale x0_beale_2 beale

// optimization results as x, y, and z coordinate
let x3d_bea_1,y3d_bea_1,z3d_bea_1 =
    optim_beale_1.Vectors.[0..34] |> Array.map (fun x -> x.[0],x.[1],beale x |> log10)
    |> Array.unzip3

let x3d_bea_2,y3d_bea_2,z3d_bea_2 =
    optim_beale_2.Vectors.[0..34] |> Array.map (fun x -> x.[0],x.[1],beale x |> log10)
    |> Array.unzip3

let optimizationPathChart_beale = 
    Chart.Line3D(x=x3d_bea_1,y=y3d_bea_1,z=z3d_bea_1,ShowMarkers=true,Name="local minimum")
    Chart.Line3D(x=x3d_bea_2,y=y3d_bea_2,z=z3d_bea_2,ShowMarkers=true,Name="global minimum")
    |> Chart.combine    
    |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
    |> Chart.withXAxisStyle ("x", Id = StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene 1,ShowGrid=false)
    |> Chart.withYAxisStyle ("y", Id = StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene 1,ShowGrid=false)
    |> Chart.withZAxisStyle ("log10(beale(x,y))",ShowGrid=false)
    |> Chart.withSize (800.,800.)

Depending on the start conditions, the method yield a wrong, and a correct path to identify the global minimum.

namespace Plotly
namespace Plotly.NET
module Defaults from Plotly.NET
<summary> Contains mutable global default values. Changing these values will apply the default values to all consecutive Chart generations. </summary>
val mutable DefaultDisplayOptions: DisplayOptions
Multiple items
type DisplayOptions = inherit DynamicObj new: unit -> DisplayOptions static member addAdditionalHeadTags: additionalHeadTags: XmlNode list -> (DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions) static member addDescription: description: XmlNode list -> (DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions) static member combine: first: DisplayOptions -> second: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions static member getAdditionalHeadTags: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> XmlNode list static member getDescription: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> XmlNode list static member getPlotlyReference: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> PlotlyJSReference static member init: ?AdditionalHeadTags: XmlNode list * ?Description: XmlNode list * ?PlotlyJSReference: PlotlyJSReference -> DisplayOptions static member initCDNOnly: unit -> DisplayOptions ...

new: unit -> DisplayOptions
static member DisplayOptions.init: ?AdditionalHeadTags: Giraffe.ViewEngine.HtmlElements.XmlNode list * ?Description: Giraffe.ViewEngine.HtmlElements.XmlNode list * ?PlotlyJSReference: PlotlyJSReference -> DisplayOptions
type PlotlyJSReference = | CDN of string | Full | Require of string | NoReference
<summary> Sets how plotly is referenced in the head of html docs. </summary>
union case PlotlyJSReference.NoReference: PlotlyJSReference
Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp.Stats
namespace FSharp.Stats.Optimization
namespace System
namespace Plotly.NET.TraceObjects
val myFunction: xs: vector -> float
val xs: vector
Multiple items
val vector: l: seq<float> -> Vector<float>

type vector = Vector<float>
val x: float
val x0: Vector<float>
val nmc: NelderMead.NmConfig
module NelderMead from FSharp.Stats.Optimization
type NmConfig = { Delta: float ZDelta: float Rho: float Chi: float Psi: float Sigma: float } static member defaultInit: unit -> NmConfig static member init: delta: float -> zDelta: float -> rho: float -> chi: float -> psi: float -> sigma: float -> NmConfig
static member NelderMead.NmConfig.defaultInit: unit -> NelderMead.NmConfig
val optim: NelderMead.NmInterationResult
val minimize: nmc: NelderMead.NmConfig -> x: vector -> fn: (vector -> float) -> NelderMead.NmInterationResult
<summary> Minimize the given cost function and stop criteria </summary>
val xs: float[]
val ys: float[]
NelderMead.NmInterationResult.Vectors: vector[]
type Array = interface ICollection interface IEnumerable interface IList interface IStructuralComparable interface IStructuralEquatable interface ICloneable member Clone: unit -> obj member CopyTo: array: Array * index: int -> unit + 1 overload member GetEnumerator: unit -> IEnumerator member GetLength: dimension: int -> int ...
<summary>Provides methods for creating, manipulating, searching, and sorting arrays, thereby serving as the base class for all arrays in the common language runtime.</summary>
val map: mapping: ('T -> 'U) -> array: 'T[] -> 'U[]
<summary>Builds a new array whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the array.</summary>
<param name="mapping">The function to transform elements of the array.</param>
<param name="array">The input array.</param>
<returns>The array of transformed elements.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the input array is null.</exception>
<example id="map-1"><code lang="fsharp"> let inputs = [| "a"; "bbb"; "cc" |] inputs |&gt; Array.map (fun x -&gt; x.Length) </code> Evaluates to <c>[| 1; 3; 2 |]</c></example>
val x: vector
val unzip: array: ('T1 * 'T2)[] -> 'T1[] * 'T2[]
<summary>Splits an array of pairs into two arrays.</summary>
<param name="array">The input array.</param>
<returns>The two arrays.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the input array is null.</exception>
<example id="unzip-1"><code lang="fsharp"> let inputs = [| (1, "one"); (2, "two") |] let numbers, names = inputs |&gt; Array.unzip </code> Evaluates <c>numbers</c> to <c>[|1; 2|]</c> and <c>names</c> to <c>[|"one"; "two"|]</c>. </example>
val optimizationPathchart: GenericChart.GenericChart
type Chart = static member AnnotatedHeatmap: zData: seq<#seq<'a1>> * annotationText: seq<#seq<string>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?X: seq<'a3> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a3>> * ?XGap: int * ?Y: seq<'a4> * ?MultiY: seq<seq<'a4>> * ?YGap: int * ?Text: 'a5 * ?MultiText: seq<'a5> * ?ColorBar: ColorBar * ?ColorScale: Colorscale * ?ShowScale: bool * ?ReverseScale: bool * ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * ?Transpose: bool * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?ReverseYAxis: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a3 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible and 'a5 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Area: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * ?ShowMarkers: bool * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<MarkerSymbol> * ?Marker: Marker * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * ?LineWidth: float * ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * ?Line: Line * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?StackGroup: string * ?Orientation: Orientation * ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * ?FillColor: Color * ?FillPatternShape: PatternShape * ?FillPattern: Pattern * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Bar: values: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Keys: seq<'a1> * ?MultiKeys: seq<seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: seq<PatternShape> * ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * ?Marker: Marker * ?Base: #IConvertible * ?Width: 'a4 * ?MultiWidth: seq<'a4> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member BoxPlot: ?X: seq<'a0> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a0>> * ?Y: seq<'a1> * ?MultiY: seq<seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?FillColor: Color * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?Marker: Marker * ?Opacity: float * ?WhiskerWidth: float * ?BoxPoints: BoxPoints * ?BoxMean: BoxMean * ?Jitter: float * ?PointPos: float * ?Orientation: Orientation * ?OutlineColor: Color * ?OutlineWidth: float * ?Outline: Line * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?Notched: bool * ?NotchWidth: float * ?QuartileMethod: QuartileMethod * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a0 :> IConvertible and 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 2 overloads static member Bubble: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * sizes: seq<int> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<MarkerSymbol> * ?Marker: Marker * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * ?LineWidth: float * ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * ?Line: Line * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?StackGroup: string * ?Orientation: Orientation * ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Candlestick: ``open`` : seq<#IConvertible> * high: seq<#IConvertible> * low: seq<#IConvertible> * close: seq<#IConvertible> * ?X: seq<'a4> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a4>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?Text: 'a5 * ?MultiText: seq<'a5> * ?Line: Line * ?IncreasingColor: Color * ?Increasing: FinanceMarker * ?DecreasingColor: Color * ?Decreasing: FinanceMarker * ?WhiskerWidth: float * ?ShowXAxisRangeSlider: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a4 :> IConvertible and 'a5 :> IConvertible) + 2 overloads static member Column: values: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Keys: seq<'a1> * ?MultiKeys: seq<seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: seq<PatternShape> * ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * ?Marker: Marker * ?Base: #IConvertible * ?Width: 'a4 * ?MultiWidth: seq<'a4> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Contour: zData: seq<#seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?X: seq<'a2> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a2>> * ?Y: seq<'a3> * ?MultiY: seq<seq<'a3>> * ?Text: 'a4 * ?MultiText: seq<'a4> * ?ColorBar: ColorBar * ?ColorScale: Colorscale * ?ShowScale: bool * ?ReverseScale: bool * ?Transpose: bool * ?ContourLineColor: Color * ?ContourLineDash: DrawingStyle * ?ContourLineSmoothing: float * ?ContourLine: Line * ?ContoursColoring: ContourColoring * ?ContoursOperation: ConstraintOperation * ?ContoursType: ContourType * ?ShowContourLabels: bool * ?ContourLabelFont: Font * ?Contours: Contours * ?FillColor: Color * ?NContours: int * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a3 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) static member Funnel: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?Width: float * ?Offset: float * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?Orientation: Orientation * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?Marker: Marker * ?TextInfo: TextInfo * ?ConnectorLineColor: Color * ?ConnectorLineStyle: DrawingStyle * ?ConnectorFillColor: Color * ?ConnectorLine: Line * ?Connector: FunnelConnector * ?InsideTextFont: Font * ?OutsideTextFont: Font * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) static member Heatmap: zData: seq<#seq<'a1>> * ?X: seq<'a2> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a2>> * ?Y: seq<'a3> * ?MultiY: seq<seq<'a3>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?XGap: int * ?YGap: int * ?Text: 'a4 * ?MultiText: seq<'a4> * ?ColorBar: ColorBar * ?ColorScale: Colorscale * ?ShowScale: bool * ?ReverseScale: bool * ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * ?Transpose: bool * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?ReverseYAxis: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a3 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload ...
static member Chart.Line: xy: seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?ShowMarkers: bool * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'c * ?MultiText: seq<'c> * ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<StyleParam.TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol> * ?Marker: Marker * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?LineWidth: float * ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * ?Line: Line * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?StackGroup: string * ?Orientation: StyleParam.Orientation * ?GroupNorm: StyleParam.GroupNorm * ?Fill: StyleParam.Fill * ?FillColor: Color * ?FillPattern: Pattern * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'c :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.Line: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * ?ShowMarkers: bool * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'c * ?MultiText: seq<'c> * ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<StyleParam.TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol> * ?Marker: Marker * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?LineWidth: float * ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * ?Line: Line * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?StackGroup: string * ?Orientation: StyleParam.Orientation * ?GroupNorm: StyleParam.GroupNorm * ?Fill: StyleParam.Fill * ?FillColor: Color * ?FillPattern: Pattern * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'c :> IConvertible)
argument x: seq<float>
<summary> Creates a Line chart, which uses a Line plotted between the given datums in a 2D space to visualize typically an evolution of Y depending on X.</summary>
<param name="x">Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="y">Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="ShowMarkers">Wether to show markers for the individual data points</param>
<param name="Name">Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover</param>
<param name="ShowLegend">Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.</param>
<param name="Opacity">Sets the opactity of the trace</param>
<param name="MultiOpacity">Sets the opactity of individual datum markers</param>
<param name="Text">Sets a text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiText">Sets individual text for each datum</param>
<param name="TextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiTextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with individual datum</param>
<param name="MarkerColor">Sets the color of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerOutline">Sets the outline of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each datum</param>
<param name="MultiMarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum</param>
<param name="Marker">Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="LineColor">Sets the color of the line</param>
<param name="LineColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the line</param>
<param name="LineWidth">Sets the width of the line</param>
<param name="LineDash">sets the drawing style of the line</param>
<param name="Line">Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="AlignmentGroup">Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.</param>
<param name="OffsetGroup">Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.</param>
<param name="StackGroup">Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order</param>
<param name="Orientation">Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.</param>
<param name="GroupNorm">Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used</param>
<param name="Fill">Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to "none" unless this trace is stacked, then it gets "tonexty" ("tonextx") if `orientation` is "v" ("h") Use with `FillColor` if not "none". "tozerox" and "tozeroy" fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. "tonextx" and "tonexty" fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like "tozerox" and "tozeroy". "toself" connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. "tonext" fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like "toself" if there is no trace before it. "tonext" should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.</param>
<param name="FillColor">Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.</param>
<param name="FillPattern">Sets the pattern within the marker.</param>
<param name="UseWebGL">If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.</param>
<param name="UseDefaults">If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`</param>
argument y: seq<float>
<summary> Creates a Line chart, which uses a Line plotted between the given datums in a 2D space to visualize typically an evolution of Y depending on X.</summary>
<param name="x">Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="y">Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="ShowMarkers">Wether to show markers for the individual data points</param>
<param name="Name">Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover</param>
<param name="ShowLegend">Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.</param>
<param name="Opacity">Sets the opactity of the trace</param>
<param name="MultiOpacity">Sets the opactity of individual datum markers</param>
<param name="Text">Sets a text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiText">Sets individual text for each datum</param>
<param name="TextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiTextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with individual datum</param>
<param name="MarkerColor">Sets the color of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerOutline">Sets the outline of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each datum</param>
<param name="MultiMarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum</param>
<param name="Marker">Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="LineColor">Sets the color of the line</param>
<param name="LineColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the line</param>
<param name="LineWidth">Sets the width of the line</param>
<param name="LineDash">sets the drawing style of the line</param>
<param name="Line">Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="AlignmentGroup">Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.</param>
<param name="OffsetGroup">Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.</param>
<param name="StackGroup">Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order</param>
<param name="Orientation">Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.</param>
<param name="GroupNorm">Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used</param>
<param name="Fill">Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to "none" unless this trace is stacked, then it gets "tonexty" ("tonextx") if `orientation` is "v" ("h") Use with `FillColor` if not "none". "tozerox" and "tozeroy" fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. "tonextx" and "tonexty" fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like "tozerox" and "tozeroy". "toself" connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. "tonext" fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like "toself" if there is no trace before it. "tonext" should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.</param>
<param name="FillColor">Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.</param>
<param name="FillPattern">Sets the pattern within the marker.</param>
<param name="UseWebGL">If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.</param>
<param name="UseDefaults">If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`</param>
Multiple items
module List from FSharp.Stats
<summary> Module to compute common statistical measure on list </summary>

module List from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
<summary>Contains operations for working with values of type <see cref="T:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.list`1" />.</summary>
<namespacedoc><summary>Operations for collections such as lists, arrays, sets, maps and sequences. See also <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/fsharp-collection-types">F# Collection Types</a> in the F# Language Guide. </summary></namespacedoc>

type List = new: unit -> List static member geomspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float list static member linspace: start: float * stop: float * num: int * ?IncludeEndpoint: bool -> float list

type List<'T> = | op_Nil | op_ColonColon of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list interface IReadOnlyList<'T> interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T> interface IEnumerable interface IEnumerable<'T> member GetReverseIndex: rank: int * offset: int -> int member GetSlice: startIndex: int option * endIndex: int option -> 'T list static member Cons: head: 'T * tail: 'T list -> 'T list member Head: 'T member IsEmpty: bool member Item: index: int -> 'T with get ...
<summary>The type of immutable singly-linked lists.</summary>
<remarks>Use the constructors <c>[]</c> and <c>::</c> (infix) to create values of this type, or the notation <c>[1;2;3]</c>. Use the values in the <c>List</c> module to manipulate values of this type, or pattern match against the values directly. </remarks>
<exclude />

new: unit -> List
val map: mapping: ('T -> 'U) -> list: 'T list -> 'U list
<summary>Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the collection.</summary>
<param name="mapping">The function to transform elements from the input list.</param>
<param name="list">The input list.</param>
<returns>The list of transformed elements.</returns>
<example id="map-1"><code lang="fsharp"> let inputs = [ "a"; "bbb"; "cc" ] inputs |&gt; List.map (fun x -&gt; x.Length) </code> Evaluates to <c>[ 1; 3; 2 ]</c></example>
static member Chart.withTraceInfo: ?Name: string * ?Visible: StyleParam.Visible * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?LegendRank: int * ?LegendGroup: string * ?LegendGroupTitle: Title -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
static member Chart.Point: xy: seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'c * ?MultiText: seq<'c> * ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<StyleParam.TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol> * ?Marker: Marker * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?StackGroup: string * ?Orientation: StyleParam.Orientation * ?GroupNorm: StyleParam.GroupNorm * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'c :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.Point: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<StyleParam.TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol> * ?Marker: Marker * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?StackGroup: string * ?Orientation: StyleParam.Orientation * ?GroupNorm: StyleParam.GroupNorm * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible)
NelderMead.NmInterationResult.SolutionVector: vector
NelderMead.NmInterationResult.Solution: float
static member Chart.withMarkerStyle: ?Angle: float * ?AngleRef: StyleParam.AngleRef * ?AutoColorScale: bool * ?CAuto: bool * ?CMax: float * ?CMid: float * ?CMin: float * ?Color: Color * ?Colors: seq<Color> * ?ColorAxis: StyleParam.SubPlotId * ?ColorBar: ColorBar * ?Colorscale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?CornerRadius: int * ?Gradient: Gradient * ?Outline: Line * ?MaxDisplayed: int * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Pattern: Pattern * ?ReverseScale: bool * ?ShowScale: bool * ?Size: int * ?MultiSize: seq<int> * ?SizeMin: int * ?SizeMode: StyleParam.MarkerSizeMode * ?SizeRef: int * ?StandOff: float * ?MultiStandOff: seq<float> * ?Symbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * ?MultiSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol> * ?Symbol3D: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D * ?MultiSymbol3D: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D> * ?OutlierColor: Color * ?OutlierWidth: int -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
module StyleParam from Plotly.NET
type MarkerSymbol = | Modified of MarkerSymbol * SymbolStyle | Circle | Square | Diamond | Cross | X | TriangleUp | TriangleDown | TriangleLeft | TriangleRight ... member Convert: unit -> obj override ToString: unit -> string static member convert: (MarkerSymbol -> obj) static member toInteger: (MarkerSymbol -> int)
union case StyleParam.MarkerSymbol.ArrowUp: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol
static member Chart.combine: gCharts: seq<GenericChart.GenericChart> -> GenericChart.GenericChart
static member Chart.withTemplate: template: Template -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
module ChartTemplates from Plotly.NET
val lightMirrored: Template
static member Chart.withXAxisStyle: ?TitleText: string * ?TitleFont: Font * ?TitleStandoff: int * ?Title: Title * ?Color: Color * ?AxisType: StyleParam.AxisType * ?MinMax: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) * ?Mirror: StyleParam.Mirror * ?ShowSpikes: bool * ?SpikeColor: Color * ?SpikeThickness: int * ?ShowLine: bool * ?LineColor: Color * ?ShowGrid: bool * ?GridColor: Color * ?GridDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * ?ZeroLine: bool * ?ZeroLineColor: Color * ?Anchor: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * ?Side: StyleParam.Side * ?Overlaying: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * ?Domain: (float * float) * ?Position: float * ?CategoryOrder: StyleParam.CategoryOrder * ?CategoryArray: seq<#IConvertible> * ?RangeSlider: LayoutObjects.RangeSlider * ?RangeSelector: LayoutObjects.RangeSelector * ?BackgroundColor: Color * ?ShowBackground: bool * ?Id: StyleParam.SubPlotId -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
static member Chart.withYAxisStyle: ?TitleText: string * ?TitleFont: Font * ?TitleStandoff: int * ?Title: Title * ?Color: Color * ?AxisType: StyleParam.AxisType * ?MinMax: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) * ?Mirror: StyleParam.Mirror * ?ShowSpikes: bool * ?SpikeColor: Color * ?SpikeThickness: int * ?ShowLine: bool * ?LineColor: Color * ?ShowGrid: bool * ?GridColor: Color * ?GridDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * ?ZeroLine: bool * ?ZeroLineColor: Color * ?Anchor: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * ?Side: StyleParam.Side * ?Overlaying: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * ?AutoShift: bool * ?Shift: int * ?Domain: (float * float) * ?Position: float * ?CategoryOrder: StyleParam.CategoryOrder * ?CategoryArray: seq<#IConvertible> * ?RangeSlider: LayoutObjects.RangeSlider * ?RangeSelector: LayoutObjects.RangeSelector * ?BackgroundColor: Color * ?ShowBackground: bool * ?Id: StyleParam.SubPlotId -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
static member Chart.withSize: width: float * height: float -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
static member Chart.withSize: ?Width: int * ?Height: int -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
module GenericChart from Plotly.NET
<summary> Module to represent a GenericChart </summary>
val toChartHTML: gChart: GenericChart.GenericChart -> string
val rosenbrock: xs: vector -> float
val y: float
val pown: x: 'T -> n: int -> 'T (requires member get_One and member ( * ) and member (/))
<summary>Overloaded power operator. If <c>n &gt; 0</c> then equivalent to <c>x*...*x</c> for <c>n</c> occurrences of <c>x</c>. </summary>
<param name="x">The input base.</param>
<param name="n">The input exponent.</param>
<returns>The base raised to the exponent.</returns>
<example id="pown-example"><code lang="fsharp"></code></example>
val x0_rb: Vector<float>
val rosenBrockChart: GenericChart.GenericChart
val range: float list
val z: float list list
static member Chart.Surface: zData: seq<#seq<'b>> * ?X: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Y: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?Text: 'e * ?MultiText: seq<'e> * ?Contours: Contours * ?ColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?ShowScale: bool * ?CameraProjectionType: StyleParam.CameraProjectionType * ?Camera: LayoutObjects.Camera * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'b :> IConvertible and 'e :> IConvertible)
argument X: seq<float> option
<summary> Creates a surface plot. Surface plots plot a z value as a function of x and y, creating a three-dimensional surface. The data the describes the coordinates of the surface is set in `z`. Data in `z` should be a 2D array. Coordinates in `x` and `y` can either be 1D arrays or 2D arrays (e.g. to graph parametric surfaces). If not provided in `x` and `y`, the x and y coordinates are assumed to be linear starting at 0 with a unit step. The color scale corresponds to the `z` values by default. For custom color scales, use `surfacecolor` which should be a 2D array, where its bounds can be controlled using `cmin` and `cmax`. </summary>
<param name="zData">2 dimensional data array representing the surface's z values</param>
<param name="X">Sets the x coordinates.</param>
<param name="Y">Sets the y coordinates.</param>
<param name="Name">Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover</param>
<param name="ShowLegend">Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.</param>
<param name="Opacity">Sets the opactity of the trace</param>
<param name="Text">Sets a text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiText">Sets individual text for each datum</param>
<param name="Contours">Sets the contours on the surface</param>
<param name="ColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the surface</param>
<param name="ShowScale">Wether or not to show the colorbar/colorscale</param>
<param name="CameraProjectionType">Sets the camera projection type of this trace.</param>
<param name="Camera">Sets the camera of this trace.</param>
<param name="UseDefaults">If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`</param>
argument Y: seq<float> option
<summary> Creates a surface plot. Surface plots plot a z value as a function of x and y, creating a three-dimensional surface. The data the describes the coordinates of the surface is set in `z`. Data in `z` should be a 2D array. Coordinates in `x` and `y` can either be 1D arrays or 2D arrays (e.g. to graph parametric surfaces). If not provided in `x` and `y`, the x and y coordinates are assumed to be linear starting at 0 with a unit step. The color scale corresponds to the `z` values by default. For custom color scales, use `surfacecolor` which should be a 2D array, where its bounds can be controlled using `cmin` and `cmax`. </summary>
<param name="zData">2 dimensional data array representing the surface's z values</param>
<param name="X">Sets the x coordinates.</param>
<param name="Y">Sets the y coordinates.</param>
<param name="Name">Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover</param>
<param name="ShowLegend">Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.</param>
<param name="Opacity">Sets the opactity of the trace</param>
<param name="Text">Sets a text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiText">Sets individual text for each datum</param>
<param name="Contours">Sets the contours on the surface</param>
<param name="ColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the surface</param>
<param name="ShowScale">Wether or not to show the colorbar/colorscale</param>
<param name="CameraProjectionType">Sets the camera projection type of this trace.</param>
<param name="Camera">Sets the camera of this trace.</param>
<param name="UseDefaults">If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`</param>
Multiple items
type Contours = inherit DynamicObj new: unit -> Contours static member init: ?Coloring: ContourColoring * ?End: float * ?LabelFont: Font * ?LabelFormat: string * ?Operation: ConstraintOperation * ?ShowLabels: bool * ?ShowLines: bool * ?Size: float * ?Start: float * ?Type: ContourType * ?Value: #IConvertible -> Contours static member initSurface: ?X: Contour * ?Y: Contour * ?Z: Contour -> Contours static member initXyz: ?Color: Color * ?End: float * ?Highlight: bool * ?HighlightColor: Color * ?HighlightWidth: float * ?Project: ContourProject * ?Show: bool * ?Size: float * ?Start: float * ?UseColorMap: bool * ?Width: float -> Contours static member style: ?X: Contour * ?Y: Contour * ?Z: Contour * ?Coloring: ContourColoring * ?End: float * ?LabelFont: Font * ?LabelFormat: string * ?Operation: ConstraintOperation * ?ShowLabels: bool * ?ShowLines: bool * ?Size: float * ?Start: float * ?Type: ContourType * ?Value: #IConvertible -> (Contours -> Contours) static member styleXyz: ?Color: Color * ?End: float * ?Highlight: bool * ?HighlightColor: Color * ?HighlightWidth: float * ?Project: ContourProject * ?Show: bool * ?Size: float * ?Start: float * ?UseColorMap: bool * ?Width: float -> (Contours -> Contours)
<summary> Contours type inherits from dynamic object </summary>

new: unit -> Contours
static member Contours.initXyz: ?Color: Color * ?End: float * ?Highlight: bool * ?HighlightColor: Color * ?HighlightWidth: float * ?Project: ContourProject * ?Show: bool * ?Size: float * ?Start: float * ?UseColorMap: bool * ?Width: float -> Contours
val startConditionsChart: GenericChart.GenericChart
static member Chart.Point3D: xyz: seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'd * ?MultiText: seq<'d> * ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<StyleParam.TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D> * ?Marker: Marker * ?CameraProjectionType: StyleParam.CameraProjectionType * ?Camera: LayoutObjects.Camera * ?Projection: Projection * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'd :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.Point3D: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * z: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a3 * ?MultiText: seq<'a3> * ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<StyleParam.TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D> * ?Marker: Marker * ?CameraProjectionType: StyleParam.CameraProjectionType * ?Camera: LayoutObjects.Camera * ?Projection: Projection * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'a3 :> IConvertible)
type SubPlotId = | XAxis of int | YAxis of int | ZAxis | ColorAxis of int | Geo of int | Mapbox of int | Polar of int | Ternary of int | Scene of int | Carpet of string ... member Convert: unit -> obj override ToString: unit -> string static member convert: (SubPlotId -> obj) static member toString: (SubPlotId -> string)
union case StyleParam.SubPlotId.Scene: int -> StyleParam.SubPlotId
static member Chart.withZAxisStyle: ?TitleText: string * ?TitleFont: Font * ?TitleStandoff: int * ?Title: Title * ?Color: Color * ?AxisType: StyleParam.AxisType * ?MinMax: (#IConvertible * #IConvertible) * ?Mirror: StyleParam.Mirror * ?ShowSpikes: bool * ?SpikeColor: Color * ?SpikeThickness: int * ?ShowLine: bool * ?LineColor: Color * ?ShowGrid: bool * ?GridColor: Color * ?ZeroLine: bool * ?ZeroLineColor: Color * ?Anchor: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * ?Side: StyleParam.Side * ?Overlaying: StyleParam.LinearAxisId * ?Domain: (float * float) * ?Position: float * ?CategoryOrder: StyleParam.CategoryOrder * ?CategoryArray: seq<#IConvertible> * ?RangeSlider: LayoutObjects.RangeSlider * ?RangeSelector: LayoutObjects.RangeSelector * ?BackgroundColor: Color * ?ShowBackground: bool * ?Id: int -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
val nmc_rb: NelderMead.NmConfig
val optim_rb: NelderMead.NmInterationResult
NelderMead.NmInterationResult.Values: float array
val x3d: float[]
val y3d: float[]
val z3d: float[]
val unzip3: array: ('T1 * 'T2 * 'T3)[] -> 'T1[] * 'T2[] * 'T3[]
<summary>Splits an array of triples into three arrays.</summary>
<param name="array">The input array.</param>
<returns>The tuple of three arrays.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the input array is null.</exception>
<example id="unzip3-1"><code lang="fsharp"> let inputs = [| (1, "one", "I"); (2, "two", "II") |] let numbers, names, roman = inputs |&gt; Array.unzip3 </code> Evaluates <c>numbers</c> to <c>[|1; 2|]</c>, <c>names</c> to <c>[|"one"; "two"|]</c> and <c>roman</c> to <c>[|"I"; "II"|]</c>. </example>
val optimizationPathChart: GenericChart.GenericChart
static member Chart.Line3D: xyz: seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?ShowMarkers: bool * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a3 * ?MultiText: seq<'a3> * ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<StyleParam.TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D> * ?Marker: Marker * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?LineWidth: float * ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * ?Line: Line * ?CameraProjectionType: StyleParam.CameraProjectionType * ?Camera: LayoutObjects.Camera * ?Projection: Projection * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'a3 :> IConvertible)
static member Chart.Line3D: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * z: seq<#IConvertible> * ?ShowMarkers: bool * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'd * ?MultiText: seq<'d> * ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<StyleParam.TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<StyleParam.MarkerSymbol3D> * ?Marker: Marker * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?LineWidth: float * ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * ?Line: Line * ?CameraProjectionType: StyleParam.CameraProjectionType * ?Camera: LayoutObjects.Camera * ?Projection: Projection * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'd :> IConvertible)
argument x: seq<float>
<summary> Creates a Line3D plot. Line3D Plots plot three-dimensional data on 3 cartesian position scales in the X, Y, and Z dimension as a line connecting the individual datums. </summary>
<param name="x">Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="y">Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="z">Sets the z coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="ShowMarkers">Wether to show markers for the datums additionally to the line</param>
<param name="Name">Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover</param>
<param name="ShowLegend">Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.</param>
<param name="Opacity">Sets the opactity of the trace</param>
<param name="MultiOpacity">Sets the opactity of individual datum markers</param>
<param name="Text">Sets a text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiText">Sets individual text for each datum</param>
<param name="TextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiTextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with individual datum</param>
<param name="MarkerColor">Sets the color of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerOutline">Sets the outline of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each datum</param>
<param name="MultiMarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum</param>
<param name="Marker">Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="LineColor">Sets the color of the line</param>
<param name="LineColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the line</param>
<param name="LineWidth">Sets the width of the line</param>
<param name="LineDash">sets the drawing style of the line</param>
<param name="Line">Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="CameraProjectionType">Sets the camera projection type of this trace.</param>
<param name="Camera">Sets the camera of this trace.</param>
<param name="Projection">Sets the projection of this trace.</param>
<param name="UseDefaults">If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`</param>
argument y: seq<float>
<summary> Creates a Line3D plot. Line3D Plots plot three-dimensional data on 3 cartesian position scales in the X, Y, and Z dimension as a line connecting the individual datums. </summary>
<param name="x">Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="y">Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="z">Sets the z coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="ShowMarkers">Wether to show markers for the datums additionally to the line</param>
<param name="Name">Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover</param>
<param name="ShowLegend">Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.</param>
<param name="Opacity">Sets the opactity of the trace</param>
<param name="MultiOpacity">Sets the opactity of individual datum markers</param>
<param name="Text">Sets a text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiText">Sets individual text for each datum</param>
<param name="TextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiTextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with individual datum</param>
<param name="MarkerColor">Sets the color of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerOutline">Sets the outline of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each datum</param>
<param name="MultiMarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum</param>
<param name="Marker">Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="LineColor">Sets the color of the line</param>
<param name="LineColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the line</param>
<param name="LineWidth">Sets the width of the line</param>
<param name="LineDash">sets the drawing style of the line</param>
<param name="Line">Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="CameraProjectionType">Sets the camera projection type of this trace.</param>
<param name="Camera">Sets the camera of this trace.</param>
<param name="Projection">Sets the projection of this trace.</param>
<param name="UseDefaults">If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`</param>
argument z: seq<float>
<summary> Creates a Line3D plot. Line3D Plots plot three-dimensional data on 3 cartesian position scales in the X, Y, and Z dimension as a line connecting the individual datums. </summary>
<param name="x">Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="y">Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="z">Sets the z coordinates of the plotted data.</param>
<param name="ShowMarkers">Wether to show markers for the datums additionally to the line</param>
<param name="Name">Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover</param>
<param name="ShowLegend">Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.</param>
<param name="Opacity">Sets the opactity of the trace</param>
<param name="MultiOpacity">Sets the opactity of individual datum markers</param>
<param name="Text">Sets a text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiText">Sets individual text for each datum</param>
<param name="TextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with each datum</param>
<param name="MultiTextPosition">Sets the position of text associated with individual datum</param>
<param name="MarkerColor">Sets the color of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerOutline">Sets the outline of the marker</param>
<param name="MarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each datum</param>
<param name="MultiMarkerSymbol">Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum</param>
<param name="Marker">Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="LineColor">Sets the color of the line</param>
<param name="LineColorScale">Sets the colorscale of the line</param>
<param name="LineWidth">Sets the width of the line</param>
<param name="LineDash">sets the drawing style of the line</param>
<param name="Line">Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)</param>
<param name="CameraProjectionType">Sets the camera projection type of this trace.</param>
<param name="Camera">Sets the camera of this trace.</param>
<param name="Projection">Sets the projection of this trace.</param>
<param name="UseDefaults">If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`</param>
val auckley: xs: vector -> float
val exp: value: 'T -> 'T (requires member Exp)
<summary>Exponential of the given number</summary>
<param name="value">The input value.</param>
<returns>The exponential of the input.</returns>
<example id="exp-example"><code lang="fsharp"> exp 0.0 // Evaluates to 1.0 exp 1.0 // Evaluates to 2.718281828 exp -1.0 // Evaluates to 0.3678794412 exp 2.0 // Evaluates to 7.389056099 </code></example>
val sqrt: value: 'T -> 'U (requires member Sqrt)
<summary>Square root of the given number</summary>
<param name="value">The input value.</param>
<returns>The square root of the input.</returns>
<example id="log-example"><code lang="fsharp"> sqrt 2.0 // Evaluates to 1.414213562 sqrt 100.0 // Evaluates to 10.0 </code></example>
val cos: value: 'T -> 'T (requires member Cos)
<summary>Cosine of the given number</summary>
<param name="value">The input value.</param>
<returns>The cosine of the input.</returns>
<example id="cos-example"><code lang="fsharp"></code></example>
type Math = static member Abs: value: decimal -> decimal + 7 overloads static member Acos: d: float -> float static member Acosh: d: float -> float static member Asin: d: float -> float static member Asinh: d: float -> float static member Atan: d: float -> float static member Atan2: y: float * x: float -> float static member Atanh: d: float -> float static member BigMul: a: int * b: int -> int64 + 2 overloads static member BitDecrement: x: float -> float ...
<summary>Provides constants and static methods for trigonometric, logarithmic, and other common mathematical functions.</summary>
field Math.PI: float = 3.14159265359
field Math.E: float = 2.71828182846
<summary>Represents the natural logarithmic base, specified by the constant, <see langword="e" />.</summary>
val auckleyChart: GenericChart.GenericChart
val x0_auckley: Vector<float>
val nmc_auckley: NelderMead.NmConfig
val optim_auckley: NelderMead.NmInterationResult
val x3d_auc: float[]
val y3d_auc: float[]
val z3d_auc: float[]
val optimizationPathChart_auckley: GenericChart.GenericChart
val beale: xs: vector -> float
val bealeChart: GenericChart.GenericChart
val log10: x: float -> float
<summary>Returns the logarithm for x in base 10.</summary>
<param name="x"></param>
val x0_beale_1: Vector<float>
val x0_beale_2: Vector<float>
val nmc_beale: NelderMead.NmConfig
val optim_beale_1: NelderMead.NmInterationResult
val optim_beale_2: NelderMead.NmInterationResult
val x3d_bea_1: float[]
val y3d_bea_1: float[]
val z3d_bea_1: float[]
val x3d_bea_2: float[]
val y3d_bea_2: float[]
val z3d_bea_2: float[]
val optimizationPathChart_beale: GenericChart.GenericChart