
Plotly Line and Scatter Plots


Basic Line Plot

open XPlot.Plotly

let trace1 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4],
        y = [10; 15; 13; 17]

let trace2 =
        x = [2; 3; 4; 5],
        y = [16; 5; 11; 9]

let chart1 =
    [trace1; trace2]
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500

Line and Scatter Plot

let lineTrace1 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4],
        y = [10; 15; 13; 17],
        mode = "markers"

let lineTrace2 =
        x = [2; 3; 4; 5],
        y = [16; 5; 11; 9],
        mode = "lines"

let lineTrace3 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4],
        y = [12; 9; 15; 12],
        mode = "lines+markers"

let chart2 =
    [lineTrace1; lineTrace2; lineTrace3]
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500

Colored and Styled Scatter Plot

let styledTrace1 =
        x = [52698; 43117],
        y = [53; 31],
        mode = "markers",
        name = "North America",
        text = ["United States"; "Canada"],
        marker =
                color = "rgb(164, 194, 244)",
                size = 12,
                line =
                        color = "white",
                        width = 0.5

let styledTrace2 =
        x = [39317; 37236; 35650; 30066; 29570; 27159; 23557; 21046; 18007],
        y = [33; 20; 13; 19; 27; 19; 49; 44; 38],
        mode = "markers",
        name = "Europe",
        text =
            ["Germany"; "Britain"; "France"; "Spain"; "Italy"; "Czech Rep."; "Greece";
        marker =
                color = "rgb(255, 217, 102)",
                size = 12,
                        color = "white",
                        width = 0.5

let styledTrace3 =
        x = [42952; 37037; 33106; 17478; 9813; 5253; 4692; 3899],
        y = [23; 42; 54; 89; 14; 99; 93; 70],
        mode = "markers",
        name = "Asia/Pacific",
        text =
            ["Australia"; "Japan"; "South Korea"; "Malaysia"; "China"; "Indonesia";
             "Philippines"; "India"],
        marker =
                color = "rgb(234, 153, 153)",
                size = 12,
                line =
                        color = "white",
                        width = 0.5

let styledTrace4 =
        x = [19097; 18601; 15595; 13546; 12026; 7434; 5419],
        y = [43; 47; 56; 80; 86; 93; 80],
        mode = "markers",
        name = "Latin America",
        text =
            ["Chile"; "Argentina"; "Mexico"; "Venezuela"; "Venezuela"; "El Salvador";
        marker =
                color = "rgb(142, 124, 195)",
                size = 12,
                line =
                        color = "white",
                        width = 0.5

let styledLayout =
        title = "Quarter 1 Growth",
        xaxis =
                title = "GDP per Capita",
                showgrid = false,
                zeroline = false
        yaxis =
                title = "Percent",
                showline = false

let chart3 =
    [styledTrace1; styledTrace2; styledTrace3; styledTrace4]
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithLayout styledLayout
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500

Line Shape Options for Interpolation

let shapeTrace1 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5],
        y = [1; 3; 2; 3; 1],
        mode = "lines+markers",
        name = "'linear'",
        line = Line(shape = "linear")

let shapeTrace2 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5],
        y = [6; 8; 7; 8; 6],
        mode = "lines+markers",
        name = "'spline'",
        text =
            ["tweak line smoothness<br>with 'smoothing' in line object";
             "tweak line smoothness<br>with 'smoothing' in line object";
             "tweak line smoothness<br>with 'smoothing' in line object";
             "tweak line smoothness<br>with 'smoothing' in line object";
             "tweak line smoothness<br>with 'smoothing' in line object";
             "tweak line smoothness<br>with 'smoothing' in line object"],
        line = Line(shape = "spline")

let shapeTrace3 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5],
        y = [11; 13; 12; 13; 11],
        mode = "lines+markers",
        name = "'vhv'",
        line = Line(shape = "vhv")

let shapeTrace4 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5],
        y = [16; 18; 17; 18; 16],
        mode = "lines+markers",
        name = "'hvh'",
        line = Line(shape = "hvh")

let shapeTrace5 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5],
        y = [21; 23; 22; 23; 21],
        mode = "lines+markers",
        name = "'vh'",
        line = Line(shape = "vh")

let shapeTrace6 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5],
        y = [26; 28; 27; 28; 26],
        mode = "lines+markers",
        name = "'hv'",
        line = Line(shape = "hv")

let shapeLayout =
        legend =
                y = 0.5,
                traceorder = "reversed",
                font = Font(size = 16.),
                yref = "paper"

let chart4 =
    [shapeTrace1; shapeTrace2; shapeTrace3;
     shapeTrace4; shapeTrace5; shapeTrace6]
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithLayout shapeLayout
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500
namespace XPlot
namespace XPlot.Plotly
val trace1 : Scatter
Multiple items
type Scatter =
  inherit Trace
  new : unit -> Scatter
  member ShouldSerializeconnectgaps : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedx : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedy : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeerror_x : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeerror_y : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefill : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefillcolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializehoverinfo : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Scatter
property Scatter.x: obj with get, set
property Scatter.y: obj with get, set
val trace2 : Scatter
val chart1 : PlotlyChart
type Chart =
  static member Area : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Bar : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Bubble : data:seq<#key * #value * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Candlestick : data:seq<#key * #value * #value * #value * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Column : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Line : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Pie : data:seq<#key * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Plot : data:Trace -> PlotlyChart + 3 overloads
  static member Scatter : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Show : chart:PlotlyChart -> unit
static member Chart.Plot : data:seq<#Trace> -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:Trace -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:seq<#Trace> * layout:Layout -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:Trace * layout:Layout -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.WithWidth : width:int -> chart:PlotlyChart -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.WithHeight : height:int -> chart:PlotlyChart -> PlotlyChart
member PlotlyChart.GetHtml : unit -> string
val lineTrace1 : Scatter
val lineTrace2 : Scatter
val lineTrace3 : Scatter
val chart2 : PlotlyChart
val styledTrace1 : Scatter
Multiple items
type Marker =
  new : unit -> Marker
  member ShouldSerializeautocolorscale : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecauto : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecmax : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecmin : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolorbar : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolors : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolorscale : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolorsrc : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Marker
Multiple items
type Line =
  new : unit -> Line
  member ShouldSerializeautocolorscale : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecauto : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecmax : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecmin : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolorscale : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolorsrc : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedash : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeoutliercolor : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Line
val styledTrace2 : Scatter
val styledTrace3 : Scatter
val styledTrace4 : Scatter
val styledLayout : Layout
Multiple items
module Layout

from XPlot.Plotly

type Layout =
  new : unit -> Layout
  member ShouldSerializeangularaxis : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeannotations : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautosize : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebargap : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebargroupgap : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebarmode : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeboxmode : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedirection : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedragmode : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Layout
Multiple items
type Xaxis =
  new : unit -> Xaxis
  member ShouldSerialize_isSubplotObj : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeanchor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautorange : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautotick : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebackgroundcolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedomain : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedtick : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeexponentformat : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefixedrange : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Xaxis
Multiple items
type Yaxis =
  new : unit -> Yaxis
  member ShouldSerialize_isSubplotObj : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeanchor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautorange : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautotick : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebackgroundcolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedomain : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedtick : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeexponentformat : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefixedrange : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Yaxis
val chart3 : PlotlyChart
static member Chart.WithLayout : layout:Layout -> chart:PlotlyChart -> PlotlyChart
val shapeTrace1 : Scatter
val shapeTrace2 : Scatter
val shapeTrace3 : Scatter
val shapeTrace4 : Scatter
val shapeTrace5 : Scatter
val shapeTrace6 : Scatter
val shapeLayout : Layout
Multiple items
type Legend =
  new : unit -> Legend
  member ShouldSerializebgcolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebordercolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeborderwidth : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefont : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeorientation : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializetracegroupgap : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializetraceorder : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializex : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializexanchor : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Legend
property Legend.y: float with get, set
Multiple items
type Font =
  new : unit -> Font
  member ShouldSerializecolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefamily : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializesize : unit -> bool
  member color : string
  member family : string
  member size : float

new : unit -> Font
val chart4 : PlotlyChart