
Plotly Bar Charts


Basic Bar Chart

open XPlot.Plotly

let layout = Layout(title = "Basic Bar Chart")

let data = ["giraffes", 20; "orangutans", 14; "monkeys", 23]

let chart1 =
    |> Chart.Bar
    |> Chart.WithLayout layout
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700

Grouped Bar Chart

let groupedTrace1 =
        x = ["giraffes"; "orangutans"; "monkeys"],
        y = [20; 14; 23],
        name= "SF Zoo"

let groupedTrace2 =
        x = ["giraffes"; "orangutans"; "monkeys"],
        y = [12; 18; 29],
        name = "LA Zoo"

let groupedLayout = Layout(barmode = "group")

let chart2 =
    [groupedTrace1; groupedTrace2]
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithLayout groupedLayout
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700

Stacked Bar Chart

let stackedTrace1 =
        x = ["giraffes"; "orangutans"; "monkeys"],
        y = [20; 14; 23],
        name = "SF Zoo"

let stackedTrace2 =
        x= ["giraffes"; "orangutans"; "monkeys"],
        y= [12; 18; 29],
        name = "LA Zoo"

let stackedLayout = Layout(barmode = "stack")

let chart3 =
    [stackedTrace1; stackedTrace2]
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithLayout stackedLayout
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700

Colored and Styled Bar Chart

let styledTrace1 =
        x =
            [1995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006;
             2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012],
        y =
            [219; 146; 112; 127; 124; 180; 236; 207; 236; 263; 350; 430; 474; 526; 488;
            537; 500; 439],
        name = "Rest of world",
        marker = Marker(color = "rgb(55, 83, 109)")

let styledTrace2 =
        x =
            [1995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006;
            2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012],
        y =
            [16; 13; 10; 11; 28; 37; 43; 55; 56; 88; 105; 156; 270; 299; 340; 403; 549;
        name = "China",
        marker = Marker(color = "rgb(26, 118, 255)")

let styledLayout =
        title = "US Export of Plastic Scrap",
        xaxis =
                tickfont =
                        size = 14.,
                        color = "rgb(107, 107, 107)"
        yaxis =
                title = "USD (millions)",
                titlefont =
                        size = 16.,
                        color = "rgb(107, 107, 107)"
                tickfont =
                        size = 14.,
                        color = "rgb(107, 107, 107)"
        legend =
                x = 0.,
                y = 1.0,
                bgcolor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
                bordercolor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"
        barmode = "group",
        bargap = 0.15,
        bargroupgap = 0.1

let chart4 =
    [styledTrace1; styledTrace2]
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithLayout styledLayout
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700

Bar Chart with Hover Text

let hoverTrace =
        x = ["Liam"; "Sophie"; "Jacob"; "Mia"; "William"; "Olivia"],
        y = [8.0; 8.0; 12.0; 12.0; 13.0; 20.0],
        text =
            ["4.17 below the mean"; "4.17 below the mean"; "0.17 below the mean";
            "0.17 below the mean"; "0.83 above the mean"; "7.83 above the mean"],
        marker = Marker(color = "rgb(142, 124, 195)")

let hoverLayout =
        title = "Number of graphs made this week",
        font = Font(family = "Raleway, sans-serif"),
        showlegend = false,
        xaxis= Xaxis(tickangle = -45.),
                zeroline = false,
                gridwidth = 2.
        bargap = 0.05

let chart5 =
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithLayout hoverLayout
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700

Customizing Individual Bar Colors

let chart6 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4],
        y = [5; 4; -3; 2],
        marker = Marker(color = ["#447adb"; "#447adb"; "#db5a44"; "#447adb"])
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithLayout hoverLayout
    |> Chart.WithHeight 500
    |> Chart.WithWidth 700
namespace XPlot
namespace XPlot.Plotly
val layout : Layout
Multiple items
module Layout

from XPlot.Plotly

type Layout =
  new : unit -> Layout
  member ShouldSerializeangularaxis : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeannotations : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautosize : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebargap : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebargroupgap : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebarmode : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeboxmode : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedirection : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedragmode : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Layout
val data : (string * int) list
val chart1 : PlotlyChart
type Chart =
  static member Area : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Bar : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Bubble : data:seq<#key * #value * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Candlestick : data:seq<#key * #value * #value * #value * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Column : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Line : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Pie : data:seq<#key * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Plot : data:Trace -> PlotlyChart + 3 overloads
  static member Scatter : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Show : chart:PlotlyChart -> unit
static member Chart.Bar : data:seq<#seq<'a1 * 'a2>> -> PlotlyChart (requires 'a1 :> key and 'a2 :> value)
static member Chart.Bar : data:seq<#key * #value> -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Bar : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.WithLayout : layout:Layout -> chart:PlotlyChart -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.WithHeight : height:int -> chart:PlotlyChart -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.WithWidth : width:int -> chart:PlotlyChart -> PlotlyChart
member PlotlyChart.GetHtml : unit -> string
val groupedTrace1 : Bar
Multiple items
type Bar =
  inherit Trace
  new : unit -> Bar
  member ShouldSerializedx : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedy : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeerror_x : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeerror_y : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializehoverinfo : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializelegendgroup : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializemarker : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeopacity : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Bar
property Bar.x: obj with get, set
property Bar.y: obj with get, set
val groupedTrace2 : Bar
val groupedLayout : Layout
val chart2 : PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:seq<#Trace> -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:Trace -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:seq<#Trace> * layout:Layout -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:Trace * layout:Layout -> PlotlyChart
val stackedTrace1 : Bar
val stackedTrace2 : Bar
val stackedLayout : Layout
val chart3 : PlotlyChart
val styledTrace1 : Bar
Multiple items
type Marker =
  new : unit -> Marker
  member ShouldSerializeautocolorscale : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecauto : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecmax : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecmin : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolorbar : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolors : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolorscale : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializecolorsrc : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Marker
val styledTrace2 : Bar
val styledLayout : Layout
Multiple items
type Xaxis =
  new : unit -> Xaxis
  member ShouldSerialize_isSubplotObj : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeanchor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautorange : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautotick : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebackgroundcolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedomain : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedtick : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeexponentformat : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefixedrange : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Xaxis
Multiple items
type Font =
  new : unit -> Font
  member ShouldSerializecolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefamily : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializesize : unit -> bool
  member color : string
  member family : string
  member size : float

new : unit -> Font
Multiple items
type Yaxis =
  new : unit -> Yaxis
  member ShouldSerialize_isSubplotObj : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeanchor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautorange : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautotick : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebackgroundcolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedomain : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedtick : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeexponentformat : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefixedrange : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Yaxis
Multiple items
type Legend =
  new : unit -> Legend
  member ShouldSerializebgcolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebordercolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeborderwidth : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefont : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeorientation : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializetracegroupgap : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializetraceorder : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializex : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializexanchor : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Legend
property Legend.x: float with get, set
property Legend.y: float with get, set
val chart4 : PlotlyChart
val hoverTrace : Bar
val hoverLayout : Layout
val chart5 : PlotlyChart
val chart6 : PlotlyChart