
Plotly Area Plots


Basic Overlaid Area Chart

open XPlot.Plotly

let trace1 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4],
        y = [0; 2; 3; 5],
        fill = "tozeroy"

let trace2 =
        x = [1; 2; 3; 4],
        y = [3; 5; 1; 7],
        fill = "tonexty"

let layout =
        title = "Basic Overlaid Area Chart",
        width = 700.,
        height = 500.

let chart =
    [trace1; trace2]
    |> Chart.Plot
    |> Chart.WithLayout layout
namespace XPlot
namespace XPlot.Plotly
val trace1 : Scatter
Multiple items
type Scatter =
  inherit Trace
  new : unit -> Scatter
  member ShouldSerializeconnectgaps : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedx : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedy : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeerror_x : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeerror_y : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefill : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializefillcolor : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializehoverinfo : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Scatter
property Scatter.x: obj with get, set
property Scatter.y: obj with get, set
val trace2 : Scatter
val layout : Layout
Multiple items
module Layout

from XPlot.Plotly

type Layout =
  new : unit -> Layout
  member ShouldSerializeangularaxis : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeannotations : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeautosize : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebargap : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebargroupgap : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializebarmode : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializeboxmode : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedirection : unit -> bool
  member ShouldSerializedragmode : unit -> bool

new : unit -> Layout
val chart : PlotlyChart
type Chart =
  static member Area : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Bar : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Bubble : data:seq<#key * #value * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Candlestick : data:seq<#key * #value * #value * #value * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Column : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Line : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Pie : data:seq<#key * #value> -> PlotlyChart
  static member Plot : data:Trace -> PlotlyChart + 3 overloads
  static member Scatter : data:seq<#value> -> PlotlyChart + 2 overloads
  static member Show : chart:PlotlyChart -> unit
static member Chart.Plot : data:seq<#Trace> -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:Trace -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:seq<#Trace> * layout:Layout -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.Plot : data:Trace * layout:Layout -> PlotlyChart
static member Chart.WithLayout : layout:Layout -> chart:PlotlyChart -> PlotlyChart
member PlotlyChart.GetHtml : unit -> string