Namespace: Deedle.Vectors.Virtual
Represents a data source for Big Deedle. The interface is used both as a representation
of data source for VirtualVector
(this file) and VirtualIndex
(another file). The
index uses Length
and ValueAt
to perform binary search when looking for a key; the
vector simply provides an access to values using ValueAt
Instance members
Instance member | Description |
Signature: RangeRestriction<Address> -> IVirtualVectorSource<'V>
Modifiers: abstract
Returns a virtual source for the specified range (used when performing splicing on the
frame/series, both using address or using keys - which are obtained using Lookup)
Signature: 'V -> RangeRestriction<Address>
Modifiers: abstract
Find a range (continuous or a sequence of indices) such that all values in the range are
the specified value. This is used, for example, when filtering frame based on column
value (say column "PClass" has a value "1").
If the data source has some "clever" representation of the range, it can return
Custom of IVectorRange - which is then passed to GetSubVector .
x.LookupValue(arg1, arg2, arg3)
Signature: ('V * Lookup * Func<Address,bool>) -> OptionalValue<'V * Address>
Modifiers: abstract
Find the address associated with the specified value. This is used by the
index and it has the same signature as IIndex<'K>.Lookup (see Index.fs ).
Signature: seq<IVirtualVectorSource<'V>> -> IVirtualVectorSource<'V>
Modifiers: abstract
Merge the current source with a list of other sources
(used by functions such as Frame.merge and Frame.mergeAll )
Signature: IVectorLocation -> OptionalValue<'V>
Modifiers: abstract
Returns the value at the specifid address. We assume that the address is in range
[0L, Length-1L] and that each location has a value (or has a missing value, but is valid)