
Using Deedle from C#

Deedle is a .NET library for data manipulation and it can be used from both F# and C# as well as from other .NET languages. Deedle is a single managed library Deedle.dll that contains the core Deedle types, together with extension methods for convenient use from C#. To install Deedle, just use the Deedle NuGet package.

The F# DataFrame library can be installed from NuGet:
PM> Install-Package Deedle


The Deedle library provides types for working with series and data frames. A series is a collection mapping a set of keys to values. The keys are used for lookup in the series, but also for automatic alignment when working with multiple series. For example, the keys can be ordinal numbers or strings (when you use it to store different properties) or ordered dates or times (when you use series to represent time series such as stock prices). When performing operations on multiple series (e.g. adding or zipping), the keys are used to automatically match corresponding values. Furthermore, series automatically handles missing data.

A data frame is a structure containing multiple series (multiple columns) that share the same row keys. A typical example includes data frame that stores different properties about objects (each row represents a single object), or data frame that stores aligned time series data such as prices for multiple stocks.

The best way to learn about using Deedle from C# is to go through the two tutorials below that disucss working with series and frames, respectively.


  • Working with data series explains the Series<K, V> type, discusses how to build series, retrieve data from a series, perform series computations including aggregation and handle missing data and how to work with series values and indices.

  • Working with data frames discusses how to combine multiple series in a data frame, how to align data and time series using dates, how to work with rows and columns of a data frame and how to perform calculations over entire data frames.

  • Design notes document is worth checking out if you want to get better understanding of the library principles - how it has been designed and how the implementation works.

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