

Namespace: Deedle

Contains C#-friendly extension methods for various instances of IEnumerable that can be used for creating Series<'K, 'V> from the IEnumerable value. You can create an ordinal series from IEnumerable<'T> or an indexed series from IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<'K, 'V>> or from IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<'K, OptionalValue<'V>>>.

Static members

Static memberDescription
Signature: observations:seq<'V> -> Series<int,'V>
Type parameters: 'V Attributes:

Convert the IEnumerable to a Series, using the seuqence as the values of the resulting series. The keys are generated ordinarilly, starting from 0.

Signature: observations:seq<KeyValuePair<'K,'V>> -> Series<'K,'V>
Type parameters: 'K, 'V Attributes:

Convert the IEnumerable to a Series, using the keys and values of the KeyValuePair as keys and values of the resulting series.

Signature: observations:seq<KeyValuePair<'K,OptionalValue<'V>>> -> Series<'K,'V>
Type parameters: 'K, 'V Attributes:

Convert the IEnumerable to a Series, using the keys and values of the KeyValuePair as keys and values of the resulting series. OptionalValue.Missing can be used to denote missing values.

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