
Chart Type

Namespace: XPlot.GoogleCharts

Assembly: XPlot.GoogleCharts.dll

Base Type: obj

Static members

Static member Description

Chart.Annotation(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Annotation(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates an annotation chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Annotation(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Annotation(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<DateTime * 'a * string * string> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates an annotation chart.

data : seq<DateTime * 'a * string * string>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Area(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Area(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates an area chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Area(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Area(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates an area chart.

data : seq<'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Area(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Area(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates an area chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Bar(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Bar(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a bar chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Bar(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Bar(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a bar chart.

data : seq<'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Bar(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Bar(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a bar chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Bubble(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Bubble(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a bubble chart.

data : seq<string * 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Bubble(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Bubble(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a * 'b * 'c> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a bubble chart.

data : seq<string * 'a * 'b * 'c>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Bubble(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Bubble(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a bubble chart.

data : seq<string * 'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Calendar(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Calendar(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<DateTime * 'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a calendar chart.

data : seq<DateTime * 'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Candlestick(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Candlestick(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a candlestick chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Candlestick(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Candlestick(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a candlestick chart.

data : seq<'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Column(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Column(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a column chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Column(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Column(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a column chart.

data : seq<'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Column(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Column(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a column chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Combo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Combo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a combo chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Gauge(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Gauge(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a gauge chart.

data : seq<string * 'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<float * float * 'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a geo chart.

data : seq<float * float * 'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<float * float * 'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a geo chart.

data : seq<float * float * 'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<float * float> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a geo chart.

data : seq<float * float>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a geo chart.

data : seq<string * 'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Geo(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a geo chart.

data : seq<string * 'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Histogram(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Histogram(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a histogram chart.

data : seq<string * 'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Line(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Line(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a line chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Line(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Line(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a line chart.

data : seq<'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Line(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Line(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a line chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Map(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Map(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<float * float * string> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a map chart.

data : seq<float * float * string>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Map(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Map(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * string> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a map chart.

data : seq<string * string>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Pie(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Pie(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a pie chart.

data : seq<string * 'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Sankey(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Sankey(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * string * 'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a sankey diagram.

data : seq<string * string * 'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Scatter(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Scatter(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a scatter chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Scatter(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Scatter(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a scatter chart.

data : seq<'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Scatter(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Scatter(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a scatter chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart


Full Usage: Chart.Show(chart)


Displays a chart in the default browser.

chart : GoogleChart

Chart.SteppedArea(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.SteppedArea(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a stepped area chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.SteppedArea(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.SteppedArea(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a stepped area chart.

data : seq<'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Table(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Table(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a table chart.

data : seq<'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Table(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Table(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a table chart.

data : seq<'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Timeline(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Timeline(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * string * 'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a timeline chart.

data : seq<string * string * 'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Timeline(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Timeline(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * 'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a timeline chart.

data : seq<string * 'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Treemap(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Treemap(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * string * 'a * 'b> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a treemap chart.

data : seq<string * string * 'a * 'b>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.Treemap(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

Full Usage: Chart.Treemap(data, ?Labels, ?Options)

    data : seq<string * string * 'a> - The chart's data.
    ?Labels : seq<string> - Labels for the data table columns.
    ?Options : Options - The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Creates a treemap chart.

data : seq<string * string * 'a>

The chart's data.

?Labels : seq<string>

Labels for the data table columns.

?Options : Options

The chart's options.

Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithApiKey(apiKey) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithApiKey(apiKey) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets Google API Key.

apiKey : string
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithHeight(height) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithHeight(height) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the chart's height.

height : int
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithId(id) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithId(id) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the chart's container div id.

id : string
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithLabel(label) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithLabel(label) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the data series label. Use this member if the chart's data is a single series.

label : string
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithLabels(labels) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithLabels(labels) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the data series labels. Use this member if the chart's data is a series collection.

labels : seq<string>
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithLegend(enabled) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithLegend(enabled) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Display/hide the legend.

enabled : bool
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithOptions(options) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithOptions(options) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the chart's configuration options.

options : Options
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithSize(size) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithSize(size) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the chart's height.

size : int * int
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithTitle(title) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithTitle(title) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the chart's title.

title : string
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithWidth(width) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithWidth(width) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the chart's width.

width : int
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithXTitle(xTitle) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithXTitle(xTitle) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the chart's X-axis title.

xTitle : string
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart

Chart.WithYTitle(yTitle) (chart)

Full Usage: Chart.WithYTitle(yTitle) (chart)

Returns: GoogleChart

Sets the chart's Y-axis title.

yTitle : string
chart : GoogleChart
Returns: GoogleChart