Summary: This tutorial demonstrates k means clustering with FSharp.Stats and how to visualize the results with Plotly.NET.
Clustering methods can be used to group elements of a huge data set based on their similarity. Elements sharing similar properties cluster together and can be reported as coherent group. k-means clustering is a frequently used technique, that segregates the given data into k clusters with similar elements grouped in each cluster, but high variation between the clusters. The algorithm to cluster a n-dimensional dataset can be fully described in the following 4 steps:
Since the random initiation of centroids may influences the result, a second initiation algorithm is proposed (cvmax), that extract a set of medians from the dimension with maximum variance to initialize the centroids.
While several distance metrics can be used (e.g. Manhattan distance or correlation measures) it is preferred to use Euclidean distance. It is recommended to use a squared Euclidean distance. To not calculate the square root does not change the result but saves computation time.
For demonstration of k-means clustering, the classic iris data set is used, which consists of 150 records, each of which contains four measurements and a species identifier.
#r "nuget: Deedle.Interactive, 3.0.0"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats, 0.4.3"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET.Interactive, 4.0.0"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data, 4.2.7"
open FSharp.Data
open Deedle
// Retrieve data using the FSharp.Data package and read it as dataframe using the Deedle package
let rawData = Http.RequestString @""
let df = Frame.ReadCsvString(rawData)
sepal_length | sepal_width | petal_length | petal_width | species | (Decimal) | (Decimal) | (Decimal) | (Decimal) | (string) |
0 | -> | 5.5 | 2.4 | 3.8 | 1.1 | versicolor |
1 | -> | 4.9 | 3.1 | 1.5 | 0.1 | setosa |
2 | -> | 7.6 | 3 | 6.6 | 2.1 | virginica |
3 | -> | 5.6 | 2.8 | 4.9 | 2 | virginica |
4 | -> | 6.1 | 3 | 4.9 | 1.8 | virginica |
: | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
145 | -> | 7.7 | 2.6 | 6.9 | 2.3 | virginica |
146 | -> | 5.7 | 2.6 | 3.5 | 1 | versicolor |
147 | -> | 5.9 | 3 | 5.1 | 1.8 | virginica |
148 | -> | 6.8 | 3.2 | 5.9 | 2.3 | virginica |
149 | -> | 5 | 3.6 | 1.4 | 0.2 | setosa |
150 rows x 5 columns
0 missing values
open Plotly.NET
let colNames = ["sepal_length";"sepal_width";"petal_length";"petal_width"]
// isolate data as float [] []
let data =
Frame.dropCol "species" df
|> Frame.toJaggedArray
//isolate labels as seq<string>
let labels =
Frame.getCol "species" df
|> Series.values
|> Seq.mapi (fun i s -> sprintf "%s_%i" s i)
// required to fit the species identifier on the left side of the heatmap
|> Chart.withMarginSize(Left=100.)
|> Chart.withTitle "raw iris data"
The function that performs k-means clustering can be found at FSharp.Stats.ML.Unsupervised.IterativeClustering.kmeans
. It requires four input parameters:
)float [] []
, where each entry of the outer array is a sequence of coordinatesopen FSharp.Stats
open FSharp.Stats.ML
open FSharp.Stats.ML.Unsupervised
// For random cluster initiation use randomInitFactory:
let rnd = System.Random()
let randomInitFactory : IterativeClustering.CentroidsFactory<float []> =
IterativeClustering.randomCentroids<float []> rnd
// For assisted cluster initiation use cvmaxFactory:
//let cvmaxFactory : IterativeClustering.CentroidsFactory<float []> =
// IterativeClustering.intitCVMAX
let distanceFunction = DistanceMetrics.euclideanNaNSquared
let kmeansResult =
IterativeClustering.kmeans distanceFunction randomInitFactory data 4
let clusteredIrisData = labels data
|> (fun (species,dataPoint) ->
let clusterIndex,centroid = kmeansResult.Classifier dataPoint
|> Seq.take 7
|> (fun (a,b,c) -> sprintf "%i, %A, %A" a b c)
|> String.concat "\n"
|> fun x -> x + "\n ... "
1, "versicolor_0", [|5.5; 2.4; 3.8; 1.1|] 4, "setosa_1", [|4.9; 3.1; 1.5; 0.1|] 2, "virginica_2", [|7.6; 3.0; 6.6; 2.1|] 1, "virginica_3", [|5.6; 2.8; 4.9; 2.0|] 1, "virginica_4", [|6.1; 3.0; 4.9; 1.8|] 2, "virginica_5", [|6.3; 3.4; 5.6; 2.4|] 1, "virginica_6", [|6.2; 2.8; 4.8; 1.8|] ...
The datapoints are sorted according to their associated cluster index and visualized in a combined heatmap.
open FSharpAux
//sort all data points according to their assigned cluster number
|> Seq.sortBy (fun (clusterIndex,label,dataPoint) -> clusterIndex)
|> Seq.unzip3
|> fun (_,labels,d) ->
// required to fit the species identifier on the left side of the heatmap
|> Chart.withMarginSize(Left=100.)
|> Chart.withTitle "clustered iris data (k-means clustering)"
To visualize the result in a three-dimensional chart, three of the four measurements are isolated after clustering and visualized as 3D-scatter plot.
//group clusters
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (clusterIndex,label,dataPoint) -> clusterIndex)
//for each cluster generate a scatter plot
|> (fun (clusterIndex,cluster) ->
|> Seq.unzip3
|> fun (clusterIndex,label,data) ->
let clusterName = sprintf "cluster %i" (Seq.head clusterIndex)
//for 3 dimensional representation isolate sepal length, petal length, and petal width
let truncData = data |> (fun x -> x.[0],x.[2],x.[3])
Chart.Scatter3D(truncData,mode=StyleParam.Mode.Markers,Name = clusterName,MultiText=label)
|> Chart.combine
|> Chart.withTitle "isolated coordinates of clustered iris data (k-means clustering)"
|> Chart.withXAxisStyle colNames.[0]
|> Chart.withYAxisStyle colNames.[2]
|> Chart.withZAxisStyle colNames.[3]
The identification of the optimal cluster number k in terms of the average squared distance of each point to its centroid can be realized by performing the clustering over a range of k's multiple times and taking the k according to the elbow criterion. Further more robust and advanced cluster number determination techniques can be found here.
let getBestkMeansClustering bootstraps k =
let dispersions =
Array.init bootstraps (fun _ ->
IterativeClustering.kmeans distanceFunction randomInitFactory data k
|> (fun clusteringResult -> IterativeClustering.DispersionOfClusterResult clusteringResult)
Seq.mean dispersions,Seq.stDev dispersions
let iterations = 10
let maximalK = 10
[2 .. maximalK]
|> (fun k ->
let mean,stdev = getBestkMeansClustering iterations k
|> List.unzip3
|> fun (ks,means,stdevs) ->
|> Chart.withYErrorStyle(Array=stdevs)
|> Chart.withXAxisStyle "k"
|> Chart.withYAxisStyle "average dispersion"
|> Chart.withTitle "iris data set average dispersion per k"
the absolute variation is low.
Examples are taken from FSharp.Stats documentation that covers various techniques for an optimal cluster number determination.
The next article in this series covers hierarchical clustering using FSharp.Stats.