
The Concussions in Male and Female College Athletes dataset

Table of contents


Counts of Concussions among collegiate athletes in 5 sports for 3 years by gender.
Taken from Lawrence H. Winner, University of Florida:
- Data
- Description

Original literature: T. Covassin, C.B. Swanik, M.L. Sachs (2003). "Sex Differences and the Incidence of Concussions Among Collegiate Athletes", Journal of Athletic Training, Vol. (38)3, pp238-244

How to use

#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
#r "nuget: Deedle"

open FSharp.Data
open Deedle
open System.Text.RegularExpressions

let rawData = Http.RequestString @""

// This data format features a char column-wise structure. To transform it into a seperator-delimited format, we have to replace the multiple spaces via Regex:
let regex = Regex("[ ]{2,}")
let rawDataAdapted = regex.Replace(rawData, "\t")

let df = Frame.ReadCsvString(rawDataAdapted, hasHeaders = false, separators = "\t", schema = "Gender, Sports, Year, Concussion, Count")

// Otherwise, the following already adapted dataset can be used:
let rawData2 = Http.RequestString @""

let df2 = Frame.ReadCsvString(rawData2, hasHeaders = false, separators = "\t", schema = "Gender, Sports, Year, Concussion, Count")

Gender Sports            Year Concussion Count 
0  -> Female Soccer            1997 False      24930 
1  -> Female Soccer            1997 True       51    
2  -> Female Soccer            1998 False      22887 
3  -> Female Soccer            1998 True       47    
4  -> Female Soccer            1999 False      27107 
5  -> Female Soccer            1999 True       60    
6  -> Female Lacrosse          1997 False      8750  
7  -> Female Lacrosse          1997 True       12    
8  -> Female Lacrosse          1998 False      7115  
9  -> Female Lacrosse          1998 True       7     
10 -> Female Lacrosse          1999 False      8524  
11 -> Female Lacrosse          1999 True       7     
12 -> Female Basketball        1997 False      29397 
13 -> Female Basketball        1997 True       16    
14 -> Female Basketball        1998 False      38144 
:     ...    ...               ...  ...        ...   
45 -> Male   Basketball        1998 True       21    
46 -> Male   Basketball        1999 False      32816 
47 -> Male   Basketball        1999 True       20    
48 -> Male   Softball/Baseball 1997 False      51329 
49 -> Male   Softball/Baseball 1997 True       22    
50 -> Male   Softball/Baseball 1998 False      49201 
51 -> Male   Softball/Baseball 1998 True       6     
52 -> Male   Softball/Baseball 1999 False      80190 
53 -> Male   Softball/Baseball 1999 True       25    
54 -> Male   Gymnastics        1997 False      227   
55 -> Male   Gymnastics        1997 True       0     
56 -> Male   Gymnastics        1998 False      221   
57 -> Male   Gymnastics        1998 True       0     
58 -> Male   Gymnastics        1999 False      1179  
59 -> Male   Gymnastics        1999 True       0


This example is taken from the FsLab datascience tutorial t-test (WIP)

#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats, 0.4.2"
#r "nuget: Plotly.NET, 2.0.0-preview.6"

open FSharp.Stats
open FSharp.Stats.Testing
open Plotly.NET

// We need to filter out the columns and rows we don't need. Thus, we filter out the rows where the athletes suffered no concussions as well as filter out the columns without the number of concussions.
let dataAthletesFemale, dataAthletesMale =
    let getAthleteGenderData gender =
        let dataAthletesOnlyConcussion =
            |> Frame.filterRows (fun r objS -> objS.GetAs "Concussion")
        let dataAthletesGenderFrame =
            |> Frame.filterRows (fun r objS -> objS.GetAs "Gender" = gender)
        |> Frame.getCol "Count" 
        |> Series.values
        |> vector
    getAthleteGenderData "Female", getAthleteGenderData "Male"

let boxPlot = 
        Chart.BoxPlot(y = dataAthletesFemale, Name = "female college athletes", Boxpoints = StyleParam.Boxpoints.All, Jitter = 0.2)
        Chart.BoxPlot(y = dataAthletesMale, Name = "male college athletes", Boxpoints = StyleParam.Boxpoints.All, Jitter = 0.2)
    |> Chart.Combine
    |> Chart.withY_AxisStyle "number of concussions over 3 years"
open FSharp.Stats.Testing

// We test both samples against each other, assuming equal variances.
let twoSampleResult = TTest.twoSample true dataAthletesFemale dataAthletesMale
{ Statistic = 0.5616104016
  DegreesOfFreedom = 28.0
  PValueLeft = 0.7105752703
  PValueRight = 0.2894247297
  PValue = 0.5788494593 }
Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Multiple items
namespace FSharp.Data

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
namespace Deedle
namespace System
namespace System.Text
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions
val rawData : string
type Http = private new : unit -> Http static member private AppendQueryToUrl : url:string * query:(string * string) list -> string static member AsyncRequest : url:string * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?responseEncodingOverride:string * ?customizeHttpRequest:(HttpWebRequest -> HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> Async<HttpResponse> static member AsyncRequestStream : url:string * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?customizeHttpRequest:(HttpWebRequest -> HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> Async<HttpResponseWithStream> static member AsyncRequestString : url:string * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?responseEncodingOverride:string * ?customizeHttpRequest:(HttpWebRequest -> HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> Async<string> static member private EncodeFormData : query:string -> string static member private InnerRequest : url:string * toHttpResponse:(string -> int -> string -> string -> 'a0 option -> Map<string,string> -> Map<string,string> -> Stream -> Async<'a1>) * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?responseEncodingOverride:'a0 * ?customizeHttpRequest:(HttpWebRequest -> HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> Async<'a1> static member Request : url:string * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?responseEncodingOverride:string * ?customizeHttpRequest:(HttpWebRequest -> HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> HttpResponse static member RequestStream : url:string * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?customizeHttpRequest:(HttpWebRequest -> HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> HttpResponseWithStream static member RequestString : url:string * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?responseEncodingOverride:string * ?customizeHttpRequest:(HttpWebRequest -> HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> string
<summary> Utilities for working with network via HTTP. Includes methods for downloading resources with specified headers, query parameters and HTTP body </summary>
Multiple items
static member Http.RequestString : url:string * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:System.Net.CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?responseEncodingOverride:string * ?customizeHttpRequest:(System.Net.HttpWebRequest -> System.Net.HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> string

static member Http.RequestString : url:string * ?query:(string * string) list * ?headers:seq<string * string> * ?httpMethod:string * ?body:HttpRequestBody * ?cookies:seq<string * string> * ?cookieContainer:System.Net.CookieContainer * ?silentHttpErrors:bool * ?silentCookieErrors:bool * ?responseEncodingOverride:string * ?customizeHttpRequest:(System.Net.HttpWebRequest -> System.Net.HttpWebRequest) * ?timeout:int -> string
val regex : Regex
Multiple items
type Regex = interface ISerializable new : unit -> unit + 4 overloads member GetGroupNames : unit -> string [] member GetGroupNumbers : unit -> int [] member GroupNameFromNumber : i: int -> string member GroupNumberFromName : name: string -> int member InitializeReferences : unit -> unit member IsMatch : input: string -> bool + 4 overloads member Match : input: string -> Match + 5 overloads member Matches : input: string -> MatchCollection + 4 overloads ...
<summary>Represents an immutable regular expression.</summary>

Regex(pattern: string) : Regex
Regex(pattern: string, options: RegexOptions) : Regex
Regex(pattern: string, options: RegexOptions, matchTimeout: System.TimeSpan) : Regex
val rawDataAdapted : string
Regex.Replace(input: string, evaluator: MatchEvaluator) : string
Regex.Replace(input: string, replacement: string) : string
Regex.Replace(input: string, evaluator: MatchEvaluator, count: int) : string
Regex.Replace(input: string, replacement: string, count: int) : string
Regex.Replace(input: string, evaluator: MatchEvaluator, count: int, startat: int) : string
Regex.Replace(input: string, replacement: string, count: int, startat: int) : string
val df : Frame<int,string>
Multiple items
module Frame from Deedle

type Frame = static member ReadCsv : location:string * hasHeaders:Nullable<bool> * inferTypes:Nullable<bool> * inferRows:Nullable<int> * schema:string * separators:string * culture:string * maxRows:Nullable<int> * missingValues:string [] * preferOptions:bool -> Frame<int,string> + 1 overload static member ReadReader : reader:IDataReader -> Frame<int,string> static member CustomExpanders : Dictionary<Type,Func<obj,seq<string * Type * obj>>> static member NonExpandableInterfaces : ResizeArray<Type> static member NonExpandableTypes : HashSet<Type>

type Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey (requires equality and equality)> = interface IDynamicMetaObjectProvider interface INotifyCollectionChanged interface IFsiFormattable interface IFrame new : rowIndex:IIndex<'TRowKey> * columnIndex:IIndex<'TColumnKey> * data:IVector<IVector> * indexBuilder:IIndexBuilder * vectorBuilder:IVectorBuilder -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey> + 1 overload member AddColumn : column:'TColumnKey * series:seq<'V> -> unit + 3 overloads member AggregateRowsBy : groupBy:seq<'TColumnKey> * aggBy:seq<'TColumnKey> * aggFunc:Func<Series<'TRowKey,'a>,'b> -> Frame<int,'TColumnKey> member Clone : unit -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey> member ColumnApply : f:Func<Series<'TRowKey,'T>,ISeries<'TRowKey>> -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey> + 1 overload member DropColumn : column:'TColumnKey -> unit ...

new : names:seq<'TColumnKey> * columns:seq<ISeries<'TRowKey>> -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey>
new : rowIndex:Indices.IIndex<'TRowKey> * columnIndex:Indices.IIndex<'TColumnKey> * data:IVector<IVector> * indexBuilder:Indices.IIndexBuilder * vectorBuilder:Vectors.IVectorBuilder -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey>
static member Frame.ReadCsvString : csvString:string * ?hasHeaders:bool * ?inferTypes:bool * ?inferRows:int * ?schema:string * ?separators:string * ?culture:string * ?maxRows:int * ?missingValues:string [] * ?preferOptions:bool -> Frame<int,string>
val rawData2 : string
val df2 : Frame<int,string>
static member FrameExtensions.Print : frame:Frame<'K,'V> -> unit (requires equality and equality)
static member FrameExtensions.Print : frame:Frame<'K,'V> * printTypes:bool -> unit (requires equality and equality)
namespace FSharp.Stats
namespace FSharp.Stats.Testing
namespace Plotly
namespace Plotly.NET
val dataAthletesFemale : Vector<float>
val dataAthletesMale : Vector<float>
val getAthleteGenderData : ('a -> Vector<float>) (requires equality)
val gender : 'a (requires equality)
val dataAthletesOnlyConcussion : Frame<int,string>
Multiple items
module Frame from Deedle

type Frame = inherit DynamicObj new : unit -> Frame

type Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey (requires equality and equality)> = interface IDynamicMetaObjectProvider interface INotifyCollectionChanged interface IFsiFormattable interface IFrame new : rowIndex:IIndex<'TRowKey> * columnIndex:IIndex<'TColumnKey> * data:IVector<IVector> * indexBuilder:IIndexBuilder * vectorBuilder:IVectorBuilder -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey> + 1 overload member AddColumn : column:'TColumnKey * series:seq<'V> -> unit + 3 overloads member AggregateRowsBy : groupBy:seq<'TColumnKey> * aggBy:seq<'TColumnKey> * aggFunc:Func<Series<'TRowKey,'a>,'b> -> Frame<int,'TColumnKey> member Clone : unit -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey> member ColumnApply : f:Func<Series<'TRowKey,'T>,ISeries<'TRowKey>> -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey> + 1 overload member DropColumn : column:'TColumnKey -> unit ...

new : unit -> Frame

new : names:seq<'TColumnKey> * columns:seq<ISeries<'TRowKey>> -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey>
new : rowIndex:Indices.IIndex<'TRowKey> * columnIndex:Indices.IIndex<'TColumnKey> * data:IVector<IVector> * indexBuilder:Indices.IIndexBuilder * vectorBuilder:Vectors.IVectorBuilder -> Frame<'TRowKey,'TColumnKey>
val filterRows : f:('R -> ObjectSeries<'C> -> bool) -> frame:Frame<'R,'C> -> Frame<'R,'C> (requires equality and equality)
val r : int
val objS : ObjectSeries<string>
member ObjectSeries.GetAs : column:'K -> 'R
member ObjectSeries.GetAs : column:'K * fallback:'R -> 'R
val dataAthletesGenderFrame : Frame<int,string>
val getCol : column:'C -> frame:Frame<'R,'C> -> Series<'R,'V> (requires equality and equality)
Multiple items
module Series from Deedle

type Series = static member ofNullables : values:seq<Nullable<'a0>> -> Series<int,'a0> (requires default constructor and value type and 'a0 :> ValueType) static member ofObservations : observations:seq<'c * 'd> -> Series<'c,'d> (requires equality) static member ofOptionalObservations : observations:seq<'K * 'a1 option> -> Series<'K,'a1> (requires equality) static member ofValues : values:seq<'a> -> Series<int,'a>

type Series<'K,'V (requires equality)> = interface IFsiFormattable interface ISeries<'K> new : index:IIndex<'K> * vector:IVector<'V> * vectorBuilder:IVectorBuilder * indexBuilder:IIndexBuilder -> Series<'K,'V> + 3 overloads member After : lowerExclusive:'K -> Series<'K,'V> member Aggregate : aggregation:Aggregation<'K> * keySelector:Func<DataSegment<Series<'K,'V>>,'TNewKey> * valueSelector:Func<DataSegment<Series<'K,'V>>,OptionalValue<'R>> -> Series<'TNewKey,'R> (requires equality) + 1 overload member AsyncMaterialize : unit -> Async<Series<'K,'V>> member Before : upperExclusive:'K -> Series<'K,'V> member Between : lowerInclusive:'K * upperInclusive:'K -> Series<'K,'V> member Compare : another:Series<'K,'V> -> Series<'K,Diff<'V>> member Convert : forward:Func<'V,'R> * backward:Func<'R,'V> -> Series<'K,'R> ...

new : pairs:seq<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<'K,'V>> -> Series<'K,'V>
new : keys:seq<'K> * values:seq<'V> -> Series<'K,'V>
new : keys:'K [] * values:'V [] -> Series<'K,'V>
new : index:Indices.IIndex<'K> * vector:IVector<'V> * vectorBuilder:Vectors.IVectorBuilder * indexBuilder:Indices.IIndexBuilder -> Series<'K,'V>
val values : series:Series<'K,'T> -> seq<'T> (requires equality)
Multiple items
val vector : l:seq<float> -> Vector<float>

type vector = Vector<float>
val boxPlot : GenericChart.GenericChart
type Chart = static member Area : x:seq<#IConvertible> * y:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?ShowMarkers:bool * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:string * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Dash:DrawingStyle * ?Width:float -> GenericChart + 1 overload static member Bar : keys:seq<#IConvertible> * values:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:string * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Marker:Marker -> GenericChart + 1 overload static member BoxPlot : ?x:'a * ?y:'b * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:string * ?Fillcolor:'c * ?Opacity:float * ?Whiskerwidth:'d * ?Boxpoints:Boxpoints * ?Boxmean:BoxMean * ?Jitter:'e * ?Pointpos:'f * ?Orientation:Orientation * ?Marker:Marker * ?Line:Line * ?Alignmentgroup:'g * ?Offsetgroup:'h * ?Notched:bool * ?NotchWidth:float * ?QuartileMethod:QuartileMethod -> GenericChart + 1 overload static member Bubble : x:seq<#IConvertible> * y:seq<#IConvertible> * sizes:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:string * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?StackGroup:string * ?Orientation:Orientation * ?GroupNorm:GroupNorm * ?UseWebGL:bool -> GenericChart + 1 overload static member Candlestick : open:seq<#IConvertible> * high:seq<#IConvertible> * low:seq<#IConvertible> * close:seq<#IConvertible> * x:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Increasing:Line * ?Decreasing:Line * ?WhiskerWidth:float * ?Line:Line * ?XCalendar:Calendar -> GenericChart + 1 overload static member ChoroplethMap : locations:seq<string> * z:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Text:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Locationmode:LocationFormat * ?Autocolorscale:bool * ?Colorscale:Colorscale * ?Colorbar:Colorbar * ?Marker:Marker * ?GeoJson:'a2 * ?FeatureIdKey:string * ?Zmin:float * ?Zmax:float -> GenericChart static member ChoroplethMapbox : locations:seq<#IConvertible> * z:seq<#IConvertible> * geoJson:'a2 * ?FeatureIdKey:string * ?Text:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Below:string * ?Colorscale:Colorscale * ?Colorbar:Colorbar * ?ZAuto:bool * ?ZMin:float * ?ZMid:float * ?ZMax:float -> GenericChart static member Column : keys:seq<#IConvertible> * values:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:string * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Marker:Marker -> GenericChart + 1 overload static member Contour : data:seq<#seq<'a1>> * ?X:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Y:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Opacity:float * ?Colorscale:Colorscale * ?Showscale:'a4 * ?zSmooth:SmoothAlg * ?Colorbar:'a5 -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible) static member DensityMapbox : lon:seq<#IConvertible> * lat:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Z:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Radius:float * ?Opacity:float * ?Text:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Below:string * ?Colorscale:Colorscale * ?Colorbar:Colorbar * ?Showscale:bool * ?ZAuto:bool * ?ZMin:float * ?ZMid:float * ?ZMax:float -> GenericChart + 1 overload ...
<summary> Provides a set of static methods for creating charts. </summary>
static member Chart.BoxPlot : xy:seq<'a0 * 'a1> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:string * ?Fillcolor:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Whiskerwidth:'a3 * ?Boxpoints:StyleParam.Boxpoints * ?Boxmean:StyleParam.BoxMean * ?Jitter:'a4 * ?Pointpos:'a5 * ?Orientation:StyleParam.Orientation * ?Marker:Marker * ?Line:Line * ?Alignmentgroup:'a6 * ?Offsetgroup:'a7 * ?Notched:bool * ?NotchWidth:float * ?QuartileMethod:StyleParam.QuartileMethod -> GenericChart.GenericChart
static member Chart.BoxPlot : ?x:'a * ?y:'b * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:string * ?Fillcolor:'c * ?Opacity:float * ?Whiskerwidth:'d * ?Boxpoints:StyleParam.Boxpoints * ?Boxmean:StyleParam.BoxMean * ?Jitter:'e * ?Pointpos:'f * ?Orientation:StyleParam.Orientation * ?Marker:Marker * ?Line:Line * ?Alignmentgroup:'g * ?Offsetgroup:'h * ?Notched:bool * ?NotchWidth:float * ?QuartileMethod:StyleParam.QuartileMethod -> GenericChart.GenericChart
argument y: Vector<float> option
<summary> Displays the distribution of data based on the five number summary: minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum. </summary>
module StyleParam from Plotly.NET
type Boxpoints = | Outliers | All | Suspectedoutliers | False static member convert : (Boxpoints -> obj)
union case StyleParam.Boxpoints.All: StyleParam.Boxpoints
static member Chart.Combine : gCharts:seq<GenericChart.GenericChart> -> GenericChart.GenericChart
static member Chart.withY_AxisStyle : title:string * ?MinMax:(float * float) * ?Showgrid:bool * ?Showline:bool * ?Side:StyleParam.Side * ?Overlaying:StyleParam.AxisAnchorId * ?Id:int * ?Domain:(float * float) * ?Position:float * ?Zeroline:bool * ?Anchor:StyleParam.AxisAnchorId -> (GenericChart.GenericChart -> GenericChart.GenericChart)
module GenericChart from Plotly.NET
<summary> Module to represent a GenericChart </summary>
val toChartHTML : gChart:GenericChart.GenericChart -> string
<summary> Converts a GenericChart to it HTML representation. The div layer has a default size of 600 if not specified otherwise. </summary>
val twoSampleResult : TestStatistics.TTestStatistics
module TTest from FSharp.Stats.Testing
val twoSample : assumeEqualVariances:bool -> sample1:Vector<float> -> sample2:Vector<float> -> TestStatistics.TTestStatistics
<summary> Computes a t-test or a Welch test (unequal variances) </summary>