Signature: unit -> string
Sets the color filling the shape's interior.
CompiledName: set_fillcolor
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the color filling the shape's interior.
CompiledName: get_fillcolor
Signature: unit -> Line
CompiledName: set_line
Signature: unit -> unit
CompiledName: get_line
Signature: unit -> float
Sets the opacity of the shape.
CompiledName: set_opacity
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the opacity of the shape.
CompiledName: get_opacity
Signature: unit -> string
For type path - a valid SVG path but with the pixel values replaced by data values. There are a few restrictions / quirks only absolute instructions, not relative. So the allowed segments are: M, L, H, V, Q, C, T, S, and Z arcs (A) are not allowed because radius rx and ry are relative. In the future we could consider supporting relative commands, but we would have to decide on how to handle date and log axes. Note that even as is, Q and C Bezier paths that are smooth on linear axes may not be smooth on log, and vice versa. no chained "polybezier" commands - specify the segment type for each one. On category axes, values are numbers scaled to the serial numbers of categories because using the categories themselves there would be no way to describe fractional positions On data axes: because space and T are both normal components of path strings, we can't use either to separate date from time parts. Therefore we'll use underscore for this purpose: 2015-02-21_13:45:56.789
CompiledName: set_path
Signature: unit -> unit
For type path - a valid SVG path but with the pixel values replaced by data values. There are a few restrictions / quirks only absolute instructions, not relative. So the allowed segments are: M, L, H, V, Q, C, T, S, and Z arcs (A) are not allowed because radius rx and ry are relative. In the future we could consider supporting relative commands, but we would have to decide on how to handle date and log axes. Note that even as is, Q and C Bezier paths that are smooth on linear axes may not be smooth on log, and vice versa. no chained "polybezier" commands - specify the segment type for each one. On category axes, values are numbers scaled to the serial numbers of categories because using the categories themselves there would be no way to describe fractional positions On data axes: because space and T are both normal components of path strings, we can't use either to separate date from time parts. Therefore we'll use underscore for this purpose: 2015-02-21_13:45:56.789
CompiledName: get_path
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> bool
Signature: unit -> obj
Specifies the shape type to be drawn. If line, a line is drawn from (x0 ,y0 ) to (x1 ,y1 ) If circle, a circle is drawn from ((x0 +x1 )/2, (y0 +y1 )/2)) with radius (|(x0 +x1 )/2 - x0 |, |(y0 +y1 )/2 -y0 )|) If rect, a rectangle is drawn linking (x0 ,y0 ), (x1 ,y0 ), (x1 ,y1 ), (x0 ,y1 ), (x0 ,y0 ) If path, draw a custom SVG path using path .
CompiledName: set_type
Signature: unit -> unit
Specifies the shape type to be drawn. If line, a line is drawn from (x0 ,y0 ) to (x1 ,y1 ) If circle, a circle is drawn from ((x0 +x1 )/2, (y0 +y1 )/2)) with radius (|(x0 +x1 )/2 - x0 |, |(y0 +y1 )/2 -y0 )|) If rect, a rectangle is drawn linking (x0 ,y0 ), (x1 ,y0 ), (x1 ,y1 ), (x0 ,y1 ), (x0 ,y0 ) If path, draw a custom SVG path using path .
CompiledName: get_type
Signature: unit -> obj
Sets the shape's starting x position. See type for more info.
CompiledName: set_x0
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the shape's starting x position. See type for more info.
CompiledName: get_x0
Signature: unit -> obj
Sets the shape's end x position. See type for more info.
CompiledName: set_x1
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the shape's end x position. See type for more info.
CompiledName: get_x1
Signature: unit -> obj
Sets the shape's x coordinate axis. If set to an x axis id (e.g. x or x2), the x position refers to an x coordinate If set to paper, the x position refers to the distance from the left side of the plotting area in normalized coordinates where 0 (1) corresponds to the left (right) side.
CompiledName: set_xref
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the shape's x coordinate axis. If set to an x axis id (e.g. x or x2), the x position refers to an x coordinate If set to paper, the x position refers to the distance from the left side of the plotting area in normalized coordinates where 0 (1) corresponds to the left (right) side.
CompiledName: get_xref
Signature: unit -> obj
Sets the shape's starting y position. See type for more info.
CompiledName: set_y0
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the shape's starting y position. See type for more info.
CompiledName: get_y0
Signature: unit -> obj
Sets the shape's end y position. See type for more info.
CompiledName: set_y1
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the shape's end y position. See type for more info.
CompiledName: get_y1
Signature: unit -> obj
Sets the annotation's y coordinate axis. If set to an y axis id (e.g. y or y2), the y position refers to an y coordinate If set to paper, the y position refers to the distance from the bottom of the plotting area in normalized coordinates where 0 (1) corresponds to the bottom (top).
CompiledName: set_yref
Signature: unit -> unit
Sets the annotation's y coordinate axis. If set to an y axis id (e.g. y or y2), the y position refers to an y coordinate If set to paper, the y position refers to the distance from the bottom of the plotting area in normalized coordinates where 0 (1) corresponds to the bottom (top).
CompiledName: get_yref