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Layout Type

Layout defines different layout algorithms for a graph and serializes them into JavaScript commands.

Union cases

Union case Description

Circular CircularOptions

Full Usage: Circular CircularOptions

Item : CircularOptions

FA2 FA2Options

Full Usage: FA2 FA2Options

Item : FA2Options

Noverlap NoverlapOptions

Full Usage: Noverlap NoverlapOptions

Item : NoverlapOptions

Random RandomOptions

Full Usage: Random RandomOptions

Item : RandomOptions

Rotation RotationOptions

Full Usage: Rotation RotationOptions

Item : RotationOptions

Static members

Static member Description

Layout.serialize layout

Full Usage: Layout.serialize layout

    layout : Layout - The Layout instance to serialize.

Returns: string A string representing the JavaScript command to apply the layout.

Serializes the selected layout into a JavaScript command string.

layout : Layout

The Layout instance to serialize.

Returns: string

A string representing the JavaScript command to apply the layout.

Type something to start searching.