Random graph models

Barabási-Albert model

The Barabási-Albert (BA) model is a popular network growth model used to generate random scale-free networks.
It provides a valuable tool for generating synthetic networks that exhibit similar properties to many natural and man-made networks, mainly a scale-free character.

open Graphoscope
open Graphoscope.RandomModels
let N = 50

let edgesPerIteration = 5

// let myBarabasiAlbert = RandomModels.BarabasiAlbert.initFGraph  N edgesPerIteration id id (fun x -> 1.) FGraph.empty

//printfn"You have created a graph with %i nodes and %i edges"(FGraph.countNodes myBarabasiAlbert) (FGraph.countEdges myBarabasiAlbert)
namespace Graphoscope
namespace Graphoscope.RandomModels
val N: int
val edgesPerIteration: int