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FsTable Type

Creates an FsTable from the given name and FsRangeAddres, with totals row shown and header row shown or not, accordingly.


Constructor Description

FsTable(name, rangeAddress, ?showTotalsRow, ?showHeaderRow)

Full Usage: FsTable(name, rangeAddress, ?showTotalsRow, ?showHeaderRow)

    name : string
    rangeAddress : FsRangeAddress
    ?showTotalsRow : bool
    ?showHeaderRow : bool

Returns: FsTable
name : string
rangeAddress : FsRangeAddress
?showTotalsRow : bool
?showHeaderRow : bool
Returns: FsTable

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.AddFields


Adds a sequence of FsTableFields to the FsTable.

tableFields : FsTableField seq


Full Usage: this.Copy

Returns: FsTable

Creates a deep copy of this FsTable.

Returns: FsTable


Full Usage: this.Field

Returns: FsTableField

Returns the FsTableField with given name. If an FsTableField does not exist under this name in the FsTable, adds it.

name : string
cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
Returns: FsTableField


Full Usage: this.GetColumns

    cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection - The FsCellsCollection associated with this FsTable.

Returns: FsColumn seq

Returns the FsColumns from the FsTable.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection

The FsCellsCollection associated with this FsTable.

Returns: FsColumn seq


Full Usage: this.GetDataCellsOfColumnAt

Returns: FsCell seq

Returns the data cells from a given FsCellsCollection with the given colum index.

Column index must fit the FsCellsCollection, not the FsTable!

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
colIndex : int32
Returns: FsCell seq


Full Usage: this.GetField

Returns: FsTableField

Takes a name of an FsTableField and an FsCellsCollection (belonging to the FsWorksheet of this FsTable) and returns the respective FsTableField.

name : string
cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
Returns: FsTableField
ArgumentException if the header row has no field with the given name.


Full Usage: this.GetFieldAt

Returns: FsTableField

Takes the index of an FsTableField and an FsCellsCollection (belonging to the FsWorksheet of this FsTable) and returns the respective FsTableField.

index : int
cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
Returns: FsTableField
ArgumentException if the FsTable has no FsTableField with the given index.


Full Usage: this.GetFieldIndex

Returns: int

Takes a name of an FsTableField and an FsCellsCollection (belonging to the FsWorksheet of this FsTable) and returns the index of the respective FsTableField.

name : string
cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
Returns: int
ArgumentException if the header row has no field with the given name.


Full Usage: this.GetFieldNames

Returns: Dictionary<string, FsTableField>

Returns all fieldnames as `fieldname*FsTableField` dictionary.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
Returns: Dictionary<string, FsTableField>


Full Usage: this.GetFields

Returns: FsTableField seq

The FsTableFields of this FsTable.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
Returns: FsTableField seq


Full Usage: this.GetHeaderCellOfColumn

Returns: FsCell

Returns the header cell of a given FsRangeColumn from a given FsCellsCollection.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
column : FsRangeColumn
Returns: FsCell
NullReferenceException if the FsCell cannot be found.


Full Usage: this.GetHeaderCellOfColumnAt

Returns: FsCell

Returns the header cell from a given FsCellsCollection with the given colum index.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
colIndex : int
Returns: FsCell
NullReferenceException if the FsCell cannot be found.


Full Usage: this.GetHeaderCellOfTableField

Returns: FsCell

Returns the header cell of a given FsTableField from a given FsCellsCollection.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
tableField : FsTableField
Returns: FsCell


Full Usage: this.GetHeaderCellOfTableFieldAt

Returns: FsCell

Returns the header cell from an FsTableField with the given index using a given FsCellsCollection.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
tableFieldIndex : int
Returns: FsCell
NullReferenceException if the FsCell cannot be found.


Full Usage: this.GetHeaderRow

Returns: FsRow
cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
Returns: FsRow


Full Usage: this.GetRows

    cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection - The FsCellsCollection associated with this FsTable.

Returns: FsRow seq

Returns the FsRows from the FsTable.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection

The FsCellsCollection associated with this FsTable.

Returns: FsRow seq


Full Usage: this.GetUniqueName

    originalName : string - Header name that was tried to be used.
    initialOffset : int32 - First number that together with the originalName, leads to a unique column header.
    enforceOffset : bool - If true, the initial offset is always applied.

Returns: string

Returns a unique name consisting of the original name and an initial offset that is raised if the original name with that offset is already present.

originalName : string

Header name that was tried to be used.

initialOffset : int32

First number that together with the originalName, leads to a unique column header.

enforceOffset : bool

If true, the initial offset is always applied.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.InitFields

    fieldNames : string seq

Creates and adds FsTableFields from a sequence of field names to the FsTable.

fieldNames : string seq


Full Usage: this.Name

Returns: string

The name of the FsTable.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.RenameField

    oldName : string
    newName : string

Renames a fieldname of the FsTable if it exists. Else fails.

oldName : string
newName : string
ArgumentException if the FsTableField does not exist in the FsTable.


Full Usage: this.RescanFieldNames


Updates the TableFields according to the range of the table and the underlying cellcollection. For this, maps over the range of the table and sets the header of the table fields to the value of the cell. If no cell value is set, the header value and the underlying cell value are set to a default value.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection


Full Usage: this.RescanRange

Updates the FsRangeAddress of the FsTable according to the FsTableFields associated.


Full Usage: this.ShowHeaderRow

Gets or sets if the header row is shown.


Full Usage: this.TryGetHeaderCellByFieldName

Returns: FsCell option

Returns the header cell from an FsTableField with the given name using an FsCellsCollection in the FsTable if the cell exists. Else returns None.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
fieldName : string
Returns: FsCell option


Full Usage: this.TryGetHeaderCellOfColumn

Returns: FsCell option

Returns the header cell of a given FsRangeColumn from a given FsCellsCollection if the cell exists. Else returns None.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
column : FsRangeColumn
Returns: FsCell option


Full Usage: this.TryGetHeaderCellOfColumnAt

Returns: FsCell option

Returns the header cell from a given FsCellsCollection with the given colum index if the cell exists. Else returns None.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
colIndex : int
Returns: FsCell option


Full Usage: this.TryGetHeaderCellOfTableFieldAt

Returns: FsCell option

Returns the header cell from an FsTableField with the given index using a given FsCellsCollection if the cell exists. Else returns None.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
tableFieldIndex : int
Returns: FsCell option


Full Usage: this.TryGetHeaderRow

Returns: FsRow option
cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
Returns: FsRow option

Static members

Static member Description

FsTable.addFields tableFields table

Full Usage: FsTable.addFields tableFields table

Returns: FsTable

Adds a sequence of FsTableFields to a given FsTable.

tableFields : FsTableField seq
table : FsTable
Returns: FsTable

FsTable.copy table

Full Usage: FsTable.copy table

Returns: FsTable

Returns a deep copy of a given FsTable.

table : FsTable
Returns: FsTable

FsTable.getDataCellsOfColumnIndexAt cellsCollection colIndex table

Full Usage: FsTable.getDataCellsOfColumnIndexAt cellsCollection colIndex table

Returns: FsCell seq

Returns the data cells from a given FsCellsCollection with the given colum index in a given FsTable.

Column index must fit the FsCellsCollection, not the FsTable!

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
colIndex : int
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell seq

FsTable.getField name cellsCollection table

Full Usage: FsTable.getField name cellsCollection table

Returns: FsTableField

Takes a name of an FsTableField and an FsCellsCollection (belonging to the FsWorksheet of this FsTable) and returns the respective FsTableField.

name : string
cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
table : FsTable
Returns: FsTableField
ArgumentException if the header row has no field with the given name.

FsTable.getHeaderCellOfColumn cellsCollection column table

Full Usage: FsTable.getHeaderCellOfColumn cellsCollection column table

Returns: FsCell

Returns the header cell of a given FsRangeColumn from a given FsCellsCollection in a given FsTable.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
column : FsRangeColumn
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell
NullReferenceException if the FsCell cannot be found.

FsTable.getHeaderCellOfColumnIndexAt cellsCollection colIndex table

Full Usage: FsTable.getHeaderCellOfColumnIndexAt cellsCollection colIndex table

Returns: FsCell

Returns the header cell from a given FsCellsCollection with the given colum index in a given FsTable.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
colIndex : int
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell
NullReferenceException if the FsCell cannot be found.

FsTable.getHeaderCellOfTableField cellsCollection tableField table

Full Usage: FsTable.getHeaderCellOfTableField cellsCollection tableField table

Returns: FsCell

Returns the header cell of a given FsTableField from a given FsCellsCollection in a given FsTable.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
tableField : FsTableField
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell

FsTable.getHeaderCellOfTableFieldIndexAt cellsCollection tableFieldIndex table

Full Usage: FsTable.getHeaderCellOfTableFieldIndexAt cellsCollection tableFieldIndex table

Returns: FsCell

Returns the header cell from an FsTableField with the given index using a given FsCellsCollection in a given FsTable.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
tableFieldIndex : int
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell
NullReferenceException if the FsCell cannot be found.

FsTable.getUniqueNames originalName initialOffset enforceOffset table

Full Usage: FsTable.getUniqueNames originalName initialOffset enforceOffset table

    originalName : string - Header name that was tried to be used.
    initialOffset : int32 - First number that together with the originalName, leads to a unique column header.
    enforceOffset : bool - If true, the initial offset is always applied.
    table : FsTable - The FsTable on which this function is called.

Returns: string

Returns a unique name consisting of the original name and an initial offset that is raised if the original name with that offset is already present.

originalName : string

Header name that was tried to be used.

initialOffset : int32

First number that together with the originalName, leads to a unique column header.

enforceOffset : bool

If true, the initial offset is always applied.

table : FsTable

The FsTable on which this function is called.

Returns: string

FsTable.initFields fieldNames table

Full Usage: FsTable.initFields fieldNames table

    fieldNames : string seq
    table : FsTable

Returns: FsTable

Creates and adds FsTableFields from a sequence of field names to a given FsTable.

fieldNames : string seq
table : FsTable
Returns: FsTable

FsTable.renameField oldName newName table

Full Usage: FsTable.renameField oldName newName table

    oldName : string
    newName : string
    table : FsTable

Returns: FsTable

Renames a fieldname of the FsTable if it exists. Else fails.

oldName : string
newName : string
table : FsTable
Returns: FsTable
ArgumentException if the FsTableField does not exist in the FsTable.

FsTable.rescanRange table

Full Usage: FsTable.rescanRange table

Returns: FsTable

Updates the FsRangeAddress of a given FsTable according to the FsTableFields associated.

table : FsTable
Returns: FsTable

FsTable.tryGetHeaderCellByFieldName cellsCollection fieldName table

Full Usage: FsTable.tryGetHeaderCellByFieldName cellsCollection fieldName table

Returns: FsCell option

Returns the header cell from an FsTableField with the given name using an FsCellsCollection in a given FsTable if the cell exists. Else returns None.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
fieldName : string
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell option

FsTable.tryGetHeaderCellOfColumn cellsCollection column table

Full Usage: FsTable.tryGetHeaderCellOfColumn cellsCollection column table

Returns: FsCell option

Returns the header cell of a given FsRangeColumn from a given FsCellsCollection in a given FsTable if the cell exists. Else returns None.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
column : FsRangeColumn
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell option

FsTable.tryGetHeaderCellOfColumnIndexAt cellsCollection colIndex table

Full Usage: FsTable.tryGetHeaderCellOfColumnIndexAt cellsCollection colIndex table

Returns: FsCell option

Returns the header cell from a given FsCellsCollection with the given column index in a given FsTable if the cell exists. Else returns None.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
colIndex : int
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell option

FsTable.tryGetHeaderCellOfTableFieldIndexAt cellsCollection tableFieldIndex table

Full Usage: FsTable.tryGetHeaderCellOfTableFieldIndexAt cellsCollection tableFieldIndex table

Returns: FsCell option

Returns the header cell from an FsTableField with the given index using a given FsCellsCollection if the cell exists in a given FsTable. Else returns None.

cellsCollection : FsCellsCollection
tableFieldIndex : int
table : FsTable
Returns: FsCell option

Type something to start searching.