Qvalues Module

Estimate the q-values for a given set of p-values. The q-value of a test measures the proportion of false positives incurred (called the false discovery rate) when that particular test is called significant.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

ofPValues pi0 pValues

Full Usage: ofPValues pi0 pValues

    pi0 : float - can be calculated with 'pi0Bootstrap' or 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda'.
    pValues : float[] - sequence of p values to correct

Returns: float[]

Calculates q-values from given p-values and returns an array of qValues in the same order. nan p values are ignored and reported as nan.

pi0 : float

can be calculated with 'pi0Bootstrap' or 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda'.

pValues : float[]

sequence of p values to correct

Returns: float[]

ofPValuesBy pi0 projection pValues

Full Usage: ofPValuesBy pi0 projection pValues

    pi0 : float - can be calculated with 'pi0Bootstrap' or 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda'.
    projection : 'a -> float - projection function to isolate the pvalue from input type 'a
    pValues : 'a[] - sequence of p values to correct

Returns: float[]

Calculates q-values from given p-values and returns an array of qValues in the same order. nan p values are ignored and reported as nan.

pi0 : float

can be calculated with 'pi0Bootstrap' or 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda'.

projection : 'a -> float

projection function to isolate the pvalue from input type 'a

pValues : 'a[]

sequence of p values to correct

Returns: float[]

ofPValuesRobust pi0 pValues

Full Usage: ofPValuesRobust pi0 pValues

    pi0 : float - can be calculated with 'pi0Bootstrap' or 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda'.
    pValues : float[] - sequence of p values to correct

Returns: float[]

Calculates q-values from given p-values and returns an array of robust qValues in the same order. More robust for small p values when testcount is low, see Storey JD (2002) JRSS-B 64: 479-498. nan p values are ignored and reported as nan.

pi0 : float

can be calculated with 'pi0Bootstrap' or 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda'.

pValues : float[]

sequence of p values to correct

Returns: float[]

ofPValuesRobustBy pi0 projection pValues

Full Usage: ofPValuesRobustBy pi0 projection pValues

    pi0 : float - can be calculated with 'pi0Bootstrap' or 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda'.
    projection : 'a -> float - projection function to isolate the pvalue from input type 'a
    pValues : 'a[] - sequence of p values to correct

Returns: float[]

Calculates q-values from given p-values and returns an array of robust qValues in the same order. More robust for small p values when testcount is low, see Storey JD (2002) JRSS-B 64: 479-498. nan p values are ignored and reported as nan.

pi0 : float

can be calculated with 'pi0Bootstrap' or 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda'.

projection : 'a -> float

projection function to isolate the pvalue from input type 'a

pValues : 'a[]

sequence of p values to correct

Returns: float[]

pi0Bootstrap pValues

Full Usage: pi0Bootstrap pValues

    pValues : float[]

Returns: float

Estimates pi0 from given p-Values by Storeys bootstrap method using default lambda's pi0 is the value to which, one can find certain values of the distribution at random. If this returns 0. default lambda needs to be smaller. One should use 'pi0BootstrapWithLambda' in this case.

pValues : float[]
Returns: float

pi0BootstrapWithLambda lambda pValues

Full Usage: pi0BootstrapWithLambda lambda pValues

    lambda : float[]
    pValues : float[]

Returns: float

Estimates pi0 from given p-Values by Storeys bootstrap . pi0 is the value to which, one can find certain values of the distribution at random. If this returns 0. lambda needs to be smaller. Math Definition for lambda = [0,1) . Contains values from 0 to 1, but not 1.

lambda : float[]
pValues : float[]
Returns: float