EmpiricalDistribution Type


Constructor Description


Full Usage: EmpiricalDistribution()

Returns: EmpiricalDistribution
Returns: EmpiricalDistribution

Static members

Static member Description

EmpiricalDistribution.create bandwidth

Full Usage: EmpiricalDistribution.create bandwidth

    bandwidth : float

Returns: seq<float> -> Map<float, float>

Creates probability mass function of the input sequence.
The bandwidth defines the width of the bins the numbers are sorted into.
Bin intervals are half open excluding the upper border: [lower,upper)

bandwidth : float
Returns: seq<float> -> Map<float, float>

EmpiricalDistribution.createNominal (?Template, ?Transform)

Full Usage: EmpiricalDistribution.createNominal (?Template, ?Transform)

    ?Template : Set<'a>
    ?Transform : 'a -> 'a

Returns: seq<'a> -> Map<'a, float>

Creates probability mass function of the categories in the input sequence.
A template defines the search space to exclude certain elements or to include elements that are not in the input sequence.
If a template is defined, frequencies are determined based only on the template set.
Transform can be used to e.g. round values or manipulating characters (System.Char.toUpper)

?Template : Set<'a>
?Transform : 'a -> 'a
Returns: seq<'a> -> Map<'a, float>