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SheetData Module

Functions for working with SheetData. (Unmanaged: Row indices and cell references do not automatically get updated)

Functions and values

Function or value Description

appendRow row sheetData

Full Usage: appendRow row sheetData

Returns: SheetData

Append a row to the end of the SheetData.

row : Row
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

appendRowValues sst vals sheet

Full Usage: appendRowValues sst vals sheet

Returns: SheetData

Append the values as a row to the end of the sheet.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
vals : 'T seq
sheet : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

appendValueToRowAt sst rowIndex value sheet

Full Usage: appendValueToRowAt sst rowIndex value sheet

Returns: SheetData

Append the value as a cell to the end of the row.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
rowIndex : uint32
value : 'T
sheet : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

containsRowAt index sheetData

Full Usage: containsRowAt index sheetData

Returns: bool

Returns true if the SheetData contains a row with the given rowIndex.

index : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: bool

countRows sheetData

Full Usage: countRows sheetData

Returns: int

Returns the number of rows contained in the SheetData.

sheetData : SheetData
Returns: int

deleteRowAt rowIndex sheet

Full Usage: deleteRowAt rowIndex sheet

Returns: SheetData

Removes row from sheet and move the following rows up.

rowIndex : uint32
sheet : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

empty ()

Full Usage: empty ()

    () : unit

Returns: SheetData

Creates an empty SheetData.

() : unit
Returns: SheetData

getCellAt rowIndex columnIndex sheetData

Full Usage: getCellAt rowIndex columnIndex sheetData

    rowIndex : uint32
    columnIndex : uint32
    sheetData : SheetData

Returns: Cell

Returns a cell at the given row- and columnIndex in the SheetData.

rowIndex : uint32
columnIndex : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: Cell

getCellValueAt sst rowIndex columnIndex sheetData

Full Usage: getCellValueAt sst rowIndex columnIndex sheetData

Returns: string

Gets the string value of the cell at the given 1-based column- and rowIndex using a sharedStringTable.

sst : Option<SST>
rowIndex : uint32
columnIndex : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: string

getMaxRowIndex sheetData

Full Usage: getMaxRowIndex sheetData

Returns: uint32

Returns the index of the last row in the sheet.

sheetData : SheetData
Returns: uint32

getRowAt index sheetData

Full Usage: getRowAt index sheetData

Returns: Row

Returns the row with the given rowIndex.

index : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: Row

getRowValuesAt sst rowIndex sheet

Full Usage: getRowValuesAt sst rowIndex sheet

Returns: string seq

Gets the string values of the row at the given 1-based rowIndex.

sst : Option<SST>
rowIndex : uint32
sheet : SheetData
Returns: string seq

getRows sheetData

Full Usage: getRows sheetData

Returns: Row seq

Returns a sequence of rows contained in the SheetData.

sheetData : SheetData
Returns: Row seq

includeSharedStringValue sharedStringTable sheetData

Full Usage: includeSharedStringValue sharedStringTable sheetData

Returns: SheetData

Includes a value from sharedStringTable in the cells of the rows of the sheetData

sharedStringTable : SST
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

insertBefore row refRow sheetData

Full Usage: insertBefore row refRow sheetData

Returns: SheetData

Inserts a row into the SheetData before a reference row.

row : Row
refRow : Row
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

insertRowValuesAt sst vals rowIndex sheet

Full Usage: insertRowValuesAt sst vals rowIndex sheet

Returns: SheetData

Adds values as a row to the sheet at the given rowIndex. If a row exists at the given rowIndex, shoves it downwards.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
vals : 'T seq
rowIndex : uint32
sheet : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

insertRowWithHorizontalOffsetAt sst offset vals rowIndex sheet

Full Usage: insertRowWithHorizontalOffsetAt sst offset vals rowIndex sheet

Returns: SheetData

Adds values as a row to the sheet at the given rowIndex with the given horizontal offset. If a row exists at the given rowIndex, shoves it downwards.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
offset : int
vals : 'T seq
rowIndex : uint32
sheet : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

insertValueAt sst rowIndex columnIndex value sheet

Full Usage: insertValueAt sst rowIndex columnIndex value sheet

Returns: SheetData

Add a value at the given row- and columnindex to sheet using a shared string table. If a cell exists at the given position, it is shoved to the right.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
rowIndex : uint32
columnIndex : uint32
value : 'T
sheet : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

mapRows f sheetData

Full Usage: mapRows f sheetData

Returns: SheetData

Applies the given function f onto every row in the SheetData.

f : Row -> Row
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

moveRowBlockDownward rowIndex sheetData

Full Usage: moveRowBlockDownward rowIndex sheetData

Returns: SheetData
If a row with the given rowIndex exists in the sheet, moves it one position downwards. 

 If there already was a row at the new postion, moves that one too. Repeats until a row is moved into a position previously unoccupied.
rowIndex : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

moveRowVertical amount rowIndex sheetData

Full Usage: moveRowVertical amount rowIndex sheetData

    amount : int
    rowIndex : uint32
    sheetData : SheetData

Returns: SheetData

If the row with index rowIndex exists in the sheet, moves it downwards by amount. Negative amounts will move the row upwards.

amount : int
rowIndex : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

removeRowAt index sheetData

Full Usage: removeRowAt index sheetData

Returns: SheetData

Removes the row at the given rowIndex.

index : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

removeValueAt rowIndex columnIndex sheet

Full Usage: removeValueAt rowIndex columnIndex sheet

    rowIndex : uint32
    columnIndex : uint32
    sheet : SheetData

Returns: SheetData

Removes the value at the given row- and columnIndex from the sheet.

rowIndex : uint32
columnIndex : uint32
sheet : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

setValueAt sst rowIndex columnIndex value sheet

Full Usage: setValueAt sst rowIndex columnIndex value sheet

Returns: SheetData

Adds a value at the given row- and columnIndex using a sharedStringTable. If a cell exists at the given position, overwrites it.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
rowIndex : uint32
columnIndex : uint32
value : 'T
sheet : SheetData
Returns: SheetData

toSparseValueMatrix sst sheetData

Full Usage: toSparseValueMatrix sst sheetData

Returns: Dictionary<(int * int), string>

Reads the values of all cells from a sheetData and a sharedStringTable and converts them into a sparse matrix. Values are stored sparsely in a dictionary, with the key being a row index and column index tuple.

sst : SST
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: Dictionary<(int * int), string>

tryGetCellAt rowIndex columnIndex sheetData

Full Usage: tryGetCellAt rowIndex columnIndex sheetData

    rowIndex : uint32
    columnIndex : uint32
    sheetData : SheetData

Returns: Cell option

Return a cell at the given row- and columnIndex in the SheetData if it exists. Else returns None.

rowIndex : uint32
columnIndex : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: Cell option

tryGetCellValueAt sst rowIndex columnIndex sheetData

Full Usage: tryGetCellValueAt sst rowIndex columnIndex sheetData

Returns: string option

Gets the string value of the cell at the given 1-based column- and rowIndex using a sharedStringTable if it exists. Else returns None.

sst : Option<SST>
rowIndex : uint32
columnIndex : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: string option

tryGetIndexedRowValuesAt sst rowIndex sheet

Full Usage: tryGetIndexedRowValuesAt sst rowIndex sheet

Returns: (uint32 * string) seq option

Maps the cells of the given row to tuples of 1-based column indices and the value strings using a sharedStringTable, if it exists, else returns None.

sst : Option<SST>
rowIndex : uint32
sheet : SheetData
Returns: (uint32 * string) seq option

tryGetRowAfter index sheetData

Full Usage: tryGetRowAfter index sheetData

Returns: Row option

Returns row matching or exceeding the given row index if it exists, else returns None.

index : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: Row option

tryGetRowAt index sheetData

Full Usage: tryGetRowAt index sheetData

Returns: Row option

Returns the row with the given rowIndex if it exists, else returns None.

index : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: Row option

tryGetRowValuesAt sst rowIndex sheet

Full Usage: tryGetRowValuesAt sst rowIndex sheet

Returns: string seq option

Gets the string value of the cell at the given 1-based column and rowIndex, if it exists, else returns None.

sst : Option<SST>
rowIndex : uint32
sheet : SheetData
Returns: string seq option

tryRemoveRowAt index sheetData

Full Usage: tryRemoveRowAt index sheetData

Returns: SheetData option

Removes the row at the given rowIndex if it exists, else it returns None.

index : uint32
sheetData : SheetData
Returns: SheetData option

tryRemoveValueAt rowIndex columnIndex sheet

Full Usage: tryRemoveValueAt rowIndex columnIndex sheet

    rowIndex : uint32
    columnIndex : uint32
    sheet : SheetData

Returns: Option<SheetData>

Removes the value at the given row- and columnIndex from the sheet if it exists. Else returns None.

rowIndex : uint32
columnIndex : uint32
sheet : SheetData
Returns: Option<SheetData>

Type something to start searching.