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Row Module

Functions for working with rows (unmanaged: spans and cell references do not get automatically updated).

Nested modules

Modules Description


Functions for working with spans. The spans mark the column wise area in which the row lies.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

appendCell cell row

Full Usage: appendCell cell row

Returns: Row

Append cell to the end of the row.

cell : Cell
row : Row
Returns: Row

appendValue sst value row

Full Usage: appendValue sst value row

Returns: Row

Adds a value as a cell to the end of the row.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
value : 'T
row : Row
Returns: Row

containsCellAt columnIndex row

Full Usage: containsCellAt columnIndex row

    columnIndex : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: bool

Returns true if the row contains a cell with the given columnIndex.

columnIndex : uint32
row : Row
Returns: bool

create index spans cells

Full Usage: create index spans cells

Returns: Row

Creates a row from the given rowIndex, columnSpans, and cells.

index : uint32
spans : ListValue<StringValue>
cells : Cell seq
Returns: Row

empty ()

Full Usage: empty ()

    () : unit

Returns: Row

Creates an empty Row.

() : unit
Returns: Row

extendSpanLeft amount row

Full Usage: extendSpanLeft amount row

    amount : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Row

Extends the left boundary of the spans of the row by the given amount (positive amount decreases the spans to left and vice versa).

amount : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Row

extendSpanRight amount row

Full Usage: extendSpanRight amount row

    amount : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Row

Extends the right boundary of the spans of the row by the given amount (positive amount increases spans to right and vice versa).

amount : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Row

findCell predicate row

Full Usage: findCell predicate row

    predicate : Cell -> bool
    row : Row

Returns: Cell

Returns the first cell in the row for which the predicate returns true.

predicate : Cell -> bool
row : Row
Returns: Cell

getCellAt columnIndex row

Full Usage: getCellAt columnIndex row

    columnIndex : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Cell

Returns cell with the given columnIndex.

columnIndex : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Cell

getIndex row

Full Usage: getIndex row

Returns: uint32

Returns the rowIndex of the row.

row : Row
Returns: uint32

getIndexedValues sst row

Full Usage: getIndexedValues sst row

Returns: (uint32 * string) seq

Maps the cells of the given row to tuples of 1-based column indices and the value strings using a sharedStringTable.

sst : Option<SST>
row : Row
Returns: (uint32 * string) seq

getPresentRowValues sst row

Full Usage: getPresentRowValues sst row

Returns: string seq

Maps the cells of the given row to the value strings for all existing cells.

sst : SST option
row : Row
Returns: string seq

getRowValues sst row

Full Usage: getRowValues sst row

Returns: string seq

Maps the cells of the given row to the value strings.

sst : Option<SST>
row : Row
Returns: string seq

getSpan row

Full Usage: getSpan row

Returns: ListValue<StringValue>

Returns the spans of the row.

row : Row
Returns: ListValue<StringValue>

includeSharedStringValue sst row

Full Usage: includeSharedStringValue sst row

Returns: Row

Includes a value from a sharedStringTable in the cells of the row.

sst : SST
row : Row
Returns: Row

insertCellBefore newCell refCell row

Full Usage: insertCellBefore newCell refCell row

Returns: Row

Inserts a cell into the row before a reference cell.

newCell : OpenXmlElement
refCell : OpenXmlElement
row : Row
Returns: Row

insertValue sst index value row

Full Usage: insertValue sst index value row

Returns: Row

Adds a value as a cell to the row at the given columnIndex. If a cell exists at the given columnIndex, shoves it to the right.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
index : uint32
value : 'T
row : Row
Returns: Row

insertValueAt sst index value row

Full Usage: insertValueAt sst index value row

Returns: Row

Adds a value as a cell to the row at the given columnindex using a sharedStringTable. If a cell exists at the given columnindex, shoves it to the right.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
index : uint32
value : 'T
row : Row
Returns: Row

isEmpty row

Full Usage: isEmpty row

Returns: bool

Returns true if the row contains no cells.

row : Row
Returns: bool

iterCells f row

Full Usage: iterCells f row

Returns: Row

Iterates through all cells of a row with the given function f.

f : Cell -> unit
row : Row
Returns: Row

mapCells f row

Full Usage: mapCells f row

Returns: Row

Applies the function f to all cells of a row.

f : Cell -> Cell
row : Row
Returns: Row

moveValueBlockToRight columnIndex row

Full Usage: moveValueBlockToRight columnIndex row

    columnIndex : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Row

If a cell with the given columnIndex exists in the row, moves it one column to the right. If there already was a cell at the new postion, moves that one too. Repeats until a value is moved into a position previously unoccupied.

columnIndex : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Row

moveValuesToRight columnIndex offset row

Full Usage: moveValuesToRight columnIndex offset row

    columnIndex : uint32
    offset : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Row

Moves all cells starting with the given columnIndex in the row to the right by the given offset.

columnIndex : uint32
offset : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Row

ofValues sst rowIndex vals

Full Usage: ofValues sst rowIndex vals

Returns: Row

Creates a new row from the given values.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
rowIndex : uint32
vals : 'T seq
Returns: Row

removeCellAt index row

Full Usage: removeCellAt index row

    index : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Row

Removes the cell at the given columnIndex from the row.

index : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Row

setIndex index row

Full Usage: setIndex index row

    index : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Row

Sets the rowIndex of the row

index : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Row

setSpan spans row

Full Usage: setSpan spans row

Returns: Row

Sets the spans of the row.

spans : ListValue<StringValue>
row : Row
Returns: Row

setValue sst index value row

Full Usage: setValue sst index value row

Returns: Row

Add a value as a cell to the row at the given columnIndex. If a cell exists at the given columnIndex, overwrites it.

sst : Option<SharedStringTable>
index : uint32
value : 'T
row : Row
Returns: Row

toCellSeq row

Full Usage: toCellSeq row

Returns: Cell seq

Returns a sequence of cells contained in the row.

row : Row
Returns: Cell seq

tryGetCellAfter columnIndex row

Full Usage: tryGetCellAfter columnIndex row

    columnIndex : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Cell option

Returns cell matching or exceeding the given column index if it exists, else returns none.

columnIndex : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Cell option

tryGetCellAt columnIndex row

Full Usage: tryGetCellAt columnIndex row

    columnIndex : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Cell option

Returns cell with the given columnIndex if it exists, else returns none.

columnIndex : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Cell option

tryGetRowValues sst row

Full Usage: tryGetRowValues sst row

Returns: string option seq

Maps each cell of the given row to each respective value strings if it exists, else returns None.

sst : SST option
row : Row
Returns: string option seq

tryGetValueAt sst index row

Full Usage: tryGetValueAt sst index row

Returns: string option

If the row contains a value at the given index, returns it. Returns none if not.

sst : Option<SST>
index : uint32
row : Row
Returns: string option

tryRemoveCellAt index row

Full Usage: tryRemoveCellAt index row

    index : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Row option

Removes the cell at the given columnIndex from the row if present. Returns none if not.

index : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Row option

updateRowIndex newIndex row

Full Usage: updateRowIndex newIndex row

    newIndex : uint32
    row : Row

Returns: Row

Sets the rowIndex of the row and the row indices of the cells in the row to the given 1-based index.

newIndex : uint32
row : Row
Returns: Row

updateRowSpan row

Full Usage: updateRowSpan row

Returns: Row

Matches the rowSpan to the cell references inside the row.

row : Row
Returns: Row

Type something to start searching.