Interpolation Module

This module contains functionalities to perform various interpolation methods for two dimensional data.

Types and nested modules

Type/Module Description


Module to create piecewise cubic polynomials (cubic subsplines) from x,y coordinates. Akima subsplines are more flexible than standard cubic splines because the are NOT continuous in the function curvature, thereby diminishing oscillating behaviour.

Approximation (Module)



Bezier interpolates data between 2 points using a number of control points, which determine the degree of the interpolated curve.


Cubic splines interpolate two dimensional data by applying piecewise cubic polynomials that are continuous at the input coordinates (knots). The function itself, the first- and second derivative are continuous at the knots.


Module to create linear splines from x,y coordinates. x,y coordinates are interpolated by straight lines between two knots.


Calculates polynomials that interpolatethe two dimensional data. The polynomial order is equal to the number of data points - 1.


Module to create linear splines from x,y coordinates. x,y coordinates are interpolated by straight lines between two knots.

Approximation (Type)