KernelDensity Module

Module to perform Kernel density estimation

Types and nested modules

Type/Module Description



Functions and values

Function or value Description

estimate kernel bandwidth data

Full Usage: estimate kernel bandwidth data

Returns: (float * float)[]
kernel : DensityKernel
bandwidth : float
data : float array
Returns: (float * float)[]

estimateWith _cut _from _to n weights kernel bandwidth data

Full Usage: estimateWith _cut _from _to n weights kernel bandwidth data

    _cut : 'a
    _from : float
    _to : float
    n : int
    weights : float[]
    kernel : DensityKernel
    bandwidth : float
    data : seq<float>

Returns: (float * float)[]
_cut : 'a
_from : float
_to : float
n : int
weights : float[]
kernel : DensityKernel
bandwidth : float
data : seq<float>
Returns: (float * float)[]

estimateWithRange kernel _from _to bandwidth data

Full Usage: estimateWithRange kernel _from _to bandwidth data

    kernel : DensityKernel
    _from : float
    _to : float
    bandwidth : float
    data : float array

Returns: (float * float)[]
kernel : DensityKernel
_from : float
_to : float
bandwidth : float
data : float array
Returns: (float * float)[]

estimateWithWeight weights kernel bandwidth data

Full Usage: estimateWithWeight weights kernel bandwidth data

    weights : float[]
    kernel : DensityKernel
    bandwidth : float
    data : float array

Returns: (float * float)[]
weights : float[]
kernel : DensityKernel
bandwidth : float
data : float array
Returns: (float * float)[]