

Namespace: FSharp.Data.Runtime

Implements type inference for unstructured documents like XML or JSON

Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: IUnitsOfMeasureProvider
Signature: cultureInfo:CultureInfo -> value:string -> unit:Type option -> InferedType

Infers the type of a simple string value

Signature: allowEmptyValues:bool -> types:seq<InferedType> -> InferedType

Infer the type of the collection based on multiple sample types (group the types by tag, count their multiplicity)

inferPrimitiveType cultureInfo value
Signature: cultureInfo:CultureInfo -> value:string -> Type

Infers the type of a simple string value Returns one of null|typeof|typeof|typeof|typeof|typeof|typeof|typeof|typeof|typeof|typeof|typeof

parseUnitOfMeasure provider str
Signature: provider:IUnitsOfMeasureProvider -> str:string -> Type option
subtypeInfered allowEmptyValues ot1 ot2
Signature: allowEmptyValues:bool -> ot1:InferedType -> ot2:InferedType -> InferedType

Find common subtype of two infered types:

  • If the types are both primitive, then we find common subtype of the primitive types
  • If the types are both records, then we union their fields (and mark some as optional)
  • If the types are both collections, then we take subtype of their elements (note we do not generate heterogeneous types in this case!)
  • If one type is the Top type, then we return the other without checking
  • If one of the types is the Null type and the other is not a value type (numbers or booleans, but not string) then we return the other type. Otherwise, we return bottom.

The contract that should hold about the function is that given two types with the same InferedTypeTag, the result also has the same InferedTypeTag.

Signature: typ:Type -> bool

Checks whether a type supports unit of measure

Signature: _arg1:InferedType -> InferedTypeTag

Returns a tag of a type - a tag represents a 'kind' of type (essentially it describes the different bottom types we have)

unionCollectionOrder order1 order2
Signature: order1:InferedTypeTag list -> order2:InferedTypeTag list -> InferedTypeTag list
unionRecordTypes allowEmptyValues t1 t2
Signature: allowEmptyValues:bool -> t1:InferedProperty list -> t2:InferedProperty list -> InferedProperty list

Get the union of record types (merge their properties) This matches the corresponding members and marks them as Optional if one may be missing. It also returns subtype of their types.

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